irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.03.06

00:01:09captain_protonhahahaha we have someone on AO who thinks its the rarest thing in the world to meet a hax0r online
00:01:48captain_proton<JoE> hey, we have hacker alert on a chat, you can recognice them by their typings,  anyone interested to come ?
00:03:00vogon_jeltzbets he could impersonate a hacker quite easily
00:04:11captain_protonuesd to be a #4x0r but eh sint nem0re becuse h4x0ring si illegl!
00:06:16captain_protonwoo...its so beautiful to see STL code in bzflag
00:06:55vogon_jeltzI still need input from crs as to the plausibility of a unified SDL display class
00:07:20captain_protonmeanwhile, you should implement it as a POC ;)
00:07:42vogon_jeltzwithout all of the mucking about with visuals, etc., we don't need 3 classes, and it's hard to figure out what unneeded functions should do
00:09:05captain_protondid you hear what i said?
00:09:13captain_protonnot even a rebuttal?
00:09:50captain_protonno excuses...nothing
00:09:53captain_protonis confused
00:10:01vogon_jeltzI'm working on xmodmapping my multimedia keys
00:11:32captain_protonmy multimedia keys don't generate keycodes =|
00:11:46vogon_jeltzyou tried out xev?
00:12:23captain_protonyes, i've tried catting /dev/input/event0, i've tried everything
00:12:34vogon_jeltzthen your keyboard sux0rz ;)
00:14:26captain_protonbut i have my windows keys mapped to cycle through workspaces, and the menu key brings up a root menu
00:16:30BZFlagI map windows keys to meta just for kicks.
00:16:50vogon_jeltzI now have my M$ MM keys mapped to control xmms... fun
00:16:51captain_protonthey're mapped to 'W' by default (whatever the heck that is)
00:17:00BZFlagthen I have l/r meta/alt keys and I feel very sunish
00:17:25captain_protonBZFlag: but do they have that pretty little diamond? I THINK NOT!
00:17:33vogon_jeltzooh, can you pull off all of those neato quadruple-bucky combos?
00:18:49vogon_jeltzfluxbox rules
00:19:12vogon_jeltz29879  0.0  0.8  3756 2152 vc/1     S    Mar03   0:22 /usr/local/bin/fluxbox
00:19:26vogon_jeltzit's like Blackbox on steroids
00:19:42vogon_jeltzit's got window tabbing, a built-in keygrabber...
00:27:34captain_protonconsiders the fact that he's beginning to understand all the scene stuff and goes "blah"
00:30:36BZFlagcaptain_proton is sick. ;-)
00:31:22captain_protonyou'll be glad i'm sick when you see what this engine will be capable of
00:31:52vogon_jeltz<captain_proton> it'll be able to draw horizontal *and* vertical polygons
00:33:18captain_protonimagine this: throw a small emitter horizontal on the back of a tank. as that tank moves, change the emitter velocity. make the gravity vector for the particles straight up, and make the start color black, end color transparent grey
00:33:25captain_protonpoof! 1 smoking tank
00:35:22captain_protonway to clone
00:36:26iLLf8dhey vogon
00:36:31iLLf8dhow do i setup keys in flux?
00:36:38iLLf8dI've had it installed and never bothered to read up on it
00:36:41vogon_jeltzedit your ~/.fluxbox/keys file
00:36:46iLLf8dbeen too busy killin ppl
00:36:54vogon_jeltzthey tell you about it on the official fluxbox website (
00:37:11iLLf8dI don't have a keys file
00:37:25iLLf8ddo they?
00:37:36iLLf8dcool i'll look into it when I installed it they had almost no documentation on it
00:37:54iLLf8dmaybe thats changed
00:38:23iLLf8deveryone checkout mozilla .98
00:38:26iLLf8dreally fast
00:38:39iLLf8ddunno what they did but its the quickest *nix browser atm
00:38:58vogon_jeltzfeh... I already have it :)
00:39:16iLLf8dwhatya think?
00:39:27vogon_jeltzit's OK
00:39:46vogon_jeltzstill bloaty as hell, and it still crashes a bit, but it's usable
00:40:01captain_proton0.9.8 was buggy for me
00:40:12captain_protoni installed a nightly from a few weeks later and it works like a charm
00:40:27vogon_jeltzcrs23: hi, there
00:40:37vogon_jeltzcrs23: I've got a quick question to bounce off you
00:41:11iLLf8dstraffes the room
00:41:14vogon_jeltzcrs23: are the *Visual or *Display classes referenced from anywhere but their corresponding Window class?
00:41:16captain_protonlocks the doors
00:41:49captain_protonvogon_jeltz: grep -re is your friend
00:41:55vogon_jeltzcrs23: if not, then I can forego the SDLVisual and SDLDisplay classes in my SDL code, because they're really not all that necessary
00:42:10vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: it doesn't turn up anything, even in the files I'd expect matches to be in
00:42:21captain_protonyou're not doing it right then
00:42:27captain_protonvogon_jeltz: whats your command?
00:42:41crs23the BzfVisual and BzfDisplay are used elsewhere, like bzflag.cxx.  platform specific types are strictly used within mplatform (except through the Bzf* interface).
00:42:52vogon_jeltzahh... :/
00:43:08captain_protonvogon_jeltz: you could just stub them
00:43:53crs23well, you can simply implement the BzfVisual, BzfDisplay, and BzfWindow interfaces through SDL.  as if it were just another platform (which it is).
00:44:30vogon_jeltzyeah, but the abstractions SDL puts in place to simplify graphics setup and teardown really make it awkward to implement the interfaces correctly
00:45:09vogon_jeltzhell, I'll still take a crack at it... thanks :)
00:45:17captain_protonrealizes he has midterms the other 3 days this week
00:45:32crs23can you give me an example.  i can see BzfVisual causing problems, but BzfDisplay and BzfWindow?
00:46:26crs23note that i've never read any SDL stuff.
00:46:49iLLf8dgotta restart
00:47:48vogon_jeltzcrs23: SDL abstracts away all of the platform-dependent contexts into one struct, called an SDL_Surface
00:48:19crs23go on.
00:49:00vogon_jeltzcrs23: to set it up, you only make one library call with the SDL_OPENGL flag, which means that the SDLDisplay and SDLVisual classes are useless; you have no say over what SDL gives you in terms of pixel format
00:49:36vogon_jeltzcrs23: since you only have one handle to a well-defined, almost static surface, you don't need to do all of the windowing-system middle-management stuff
00:49:43crs23that's not good, but as captain_proton said you could stub out BzfVisual.
00:49:50vogon_jeltzyeah, and that's what I'll try
00:50:16vogon_jeltzI would've done it already, but I wanted to make sure that I couldn't omit SDLVisual altogether
00:50:35crs23bzflag doesn't run just fullscreen.  is SDL limited to fullscreen only?
00:50:50crs23then how does it abstract window management?
00:51:26vogon_jeltzit reduces window management calls into pretty much a lowest-common-denominator set of SDL_WM_*() calls
00:51:59vogon_jeltzyou don't have the ability to resize windows or reposition them without breaking portability, for one thing
00:52:36crs23that's pretty lame.
00:52:50vogon_jeltzkeep in mind that the library has ports for almost 20 platforms
00:53:36crs23so?  every platform let's you move windows around or it has no windows at all, in which case you stub out those SDL_WM calls.
00:54:00vogon_jeltzthat's the way they wrote it, and I'm not going to question Lantinga and company
00:54:26crs23anyway, i think the right approach for you is to create an SDL platform and implement Bzf{Display|Visual|Window} for it as best you can.
00:54:26vogon_jeltzit can still be done with platform-specific code and #defines, but it's not a pretty black box that you can just fire-and-forget
00:54:34vogon_jeltzyeah, I'll get right on it :)
00:56:26vogon_jeltzthe great thing about SDL is that it reduces quite a few of the BzfWindow members to single-line functions
00:56:30captain_protonheh...i'm still trying to figure out this SceneVisitor.*Render yickyness
00:57:12crs23the other great thing is that it supports 20 platforms!
00:57:21vogon_jeltznamely, setFullscreen, warpMouse, getMouse, grabMouse, ungrabMouse, showMouse, hideMouse, setGamma, swapBuffers...
00:57:25vogon_jeltzcrs23: heh
00:58:11captain_protoncrs23: it looks like SceneVisitorRender::draw is depending on Job::primitive?
00:59:15crs23captain_proton: right.  you'll need to switch behavior for Job::particle.
01:02:00captain_protoneww thats ugly
01:02:41captain_protonoh well
01:02:52crs23you could derive from primitive and add a Quads enum
01:03:22captain_protonno i'll just switch on Job::primitive or Job::particle
01:03:29captain_protonfor now anyway
01:03:37crs23the visit(particle) would push the appropriate colors, vertices, etc. and then draw() would just work if there was a Quads enum
01:05:12iLLf8dvogon you still around?
01:05:20iLLf8dcan you send me a keys file if youg et the chance
01:05:27iLLf8dseems the conf app is mad it can't find it
01:05:34vogon_jeltziLLf8d: errr
01:05:39vogon_jeltzthere is no conf app
01:05:42iLLf8dneener@lucifer:~/.fluxbox/fluxconf-0.6$ ./fluxkeys
01:05:42iLLf8d/home/neener/.gtkrc:235: error: invalid string constant "xfce_1", expected valid string constant
01:05:42iLLf8dCan't open /home/neener/.fluxbox/keys
01:05:46vogon_jeltziLLf8d: you have to create the file yourself
01:05:46iLLf8dyeah i'm using one
01:06:01iLLf8dits called fluxconf
01:06:53iLLf8dlol  heh
01:07:14vogon_jeltzthat converts a Blackbox keys-file to Fluxbox format
01:10:41iLLf8dI just did it
01:10:46iLLf8dwill see if it'll work
01:10:49iLLf8ddunno if I need to restart
01:11:15iLLf8dwas testing out my lkey combos
01:11:24iLLf8dmust've moved it to my irc topic heh
01:11:39iLLf8dgotta restart brb
01:14:15captain_protonruns to eat quickly
01:14:22iLLf8dhmm key bindings didn't take
01:14:24iLLf8dmust have to enable it somewhere heh
01:22:58BZFlagheaded home in a sec.
01:23:08vogon_jeltzBZFlag: see ya
01:23:24BZFlagnetstats are working for the server. has anyone loked at them?
01:23:40BZFlagthey should work on 1.7 too, perhaps I'll port them over.
01:24:13BZFlagI will enhance them with packet level stats, and then implement packet merging code.
01:24:46BZFlagthen will come the reliable transport over udp and I'll swap the 1.8 server over to 1.8 only.
01:25:11BZFlagthen protocol.txt stuff, and throttling.
01:25:33BZFlager 1.8 to udp only.
01:27:08BZFlagcrs23: the top of that last email I sent you is old, so ignore the cvs comment at the top.
01:28:17crs23okay.  i'll reply in a minute.
01:29:14BZFlagno prob. I'm headed home. catch ya later tonight.
01:32:32captain_protoni'm baaaaaack
01:43:00captain_protonhey crs23
01:43:17captain_protonin SceneVisitorSimpleRender, do i just make all the gl calls in visit() ?
01:43:52crs23captain_proton: yes, SimpleRender renders during traversal.  don't forget to restore the state on return.
01:48:14captain_protonis it necessary to have normals?
01:48:56crs23only if your particles will be lighted.  so probably not.
01:50:51jacquesooooh, lighted particles
01:51:17jacquesmuzzle flash
01:51:46captain_protonwho needs them to be lighted for that?
01:52:00jacquesi think i confused lighted with light-emitting
01:52:14captain_protonneither will be true yet
01:52:34captain_protonlighting will probably never happen, i don't know about light-emitting
01:53:06crs23light-emitting will be via a light node, probably
01:53:35captain_protoncrs23: if i don't want to set my own xform stuff i set the Job:: pointers to 0xffffffff ?
01:54:42crs23no, do what visit(primitive) does, which is to use the top of stack.
01:55:30captain_protonbut i'm forming a completely different Job
01:55:48captain_protonvisit(primitive) has nothing to do with particles
01:56:12crs23every job saves the transformations at the top of the stacks
01:57:28crs23visit(primitive) can be confusing
01:58:07captain_protonwell...i'm confused =)
01:58:19crs23let me explain what it does then
01:58:40crs23the first part just returns if there is nothing to draw (i.e. there aren't enough vertices)
01:59:19crs23the next part computes the bounding box on the most recently encountered geometry node and does view frustum culling
01:59:36crs23(you can do this for your own bounding box)
02:00:53crs23next it saves the current transforms.  this code is a little weird because of lazy evaluation...
02:01:33crs23when a transform is encountered the matrix is pushed on the matrix stack and 0xffffffff is pushed onto the index stack...
02:02:32crs23when a primitive actually needs a matrix, that matrix is moved to matrixList and the index stack is changed to the index matrixList.
02:03:07crs23draw() uses the index and matrixList to load the matrix when the primitive is drawn.  whew.
02:03:43crs23lights are next and they work similarly to matrices.
02:03:51captain_protonin my function
02:03:58captain_proton(1) check that the emitter is emitting
02:04:06captain_proton(2) do bounding box stuff
02:04:15captain_proton(3) save transforms
02:04:28captain_proton(4) push my verteces onto the vertexStack (colors too)
02:04:34captain_proton(5) create the job and return
02:06:01crs23you don't need to push the vertices and colors.  those stacks are stacks of pointers.  just use those pointers to create your job.
02:06:52crs23your function will be very similar to visit(primitive).  the matrix stuff will be an exact copy.  add the light stuff too (just for good measure).
02:07:01crs23the light stuff is also an exact copy.
02:07:37captain_protonso if i keep SceneNodeVFFloat's for verteces and colors in the SceneNode, i can just set the Job:: fields to n->xxx ?
02:08:08crs23or, rather &(n->xxx)
02:08:46captain_protonahh yes
02:10:06captain_protonand everything else (gstate, depth, etc) should be from the stacks?
02:10:59crs23yep.  the job prep part is mostly the same as before.
02:11:14captain_protoneven things like normals?
02:11:37crs23oh, wait.  the depth is not from a stack.  that's the approximate distance to the object (used to draw stuff front-to-back or back-to-front)
02:11:50crs23normals are a good question.
02:12:10captain_protonyeah depth is bounding box (which -ought- to be handled correctly
02:12:23crs23yeah, just leave it.  model designers will have to avoid ancestor geometry nodes with normals for now.
02:13:23crs23you should set texcoord, though.  just make a SceneNodeVFFloat with the texcoords for each vertex of each particle.
02:13:48crs23that'll be the same set of texcoords repeated N times (where N == num particles)
02:18:23captain_protondo i have to keep track internally of how much time has passed between calls to update?
02:18:57crs23hmm... it depends.
02:19:16crs23you can use an animation parameter in which you don't, or use the TimeKeeper.
02:19:27crs23s/which you/which case you/
02:20:51vogon_jeltznow, this is gonna be fun :/
02:20:58crs23use the TimeKeeper for now, i guess.  but the animation parameter should be used later.
02:21:15vogon_jeltzthe only way to set the size of an SDL_Surface, IIRC, is to destroy it, recreate it, and flip the buffers
02:21:52vogon_jeltzI wonder if there are any guarantees that we won't be resizing the surface and rendering to it at the same time
02:22:01crs23smells like a LCD solution.
02:22:33vogon_jeltzwell, I guess, when I cross that bridge, I'll suck-it-and-see
02:22:38jacquesvogon_jeltz: are you porting bzflag to SDL?
02:22:51crs23we don't multithread rendering but the X window manager could resize our window
02:23:06vogon_jeltzjacques: yeah; I'm adding an SDL class set to the platforms
02:23:17vogon_jeltzcrs23: yeah, but SDL handles that internally with mutexen
02:23:34crs23a simple solution is to make the rendering window a child window of the top-level window.  then you have full control.
02:23:47jacquesvogon_jeltz: cool :-)
02:29:36captain_protoncrs23: the color array is RGBARGBARGBA...?
02:36:35captain_protonhow do i use the timekeeper?
02:42:20crs23TimeKeeper::getCurrent() returns a TimeKeeper with the current time.  assign that to a data member in the c'tor...
02:42:33crs23then use (TimeKeeper::getCurrent() - savedTime) to compute elapsed time.
02:43:11captain_protonwhat unit time does the Timekeeper use?
02:43:24captain_protonyuck - anything more accurate?
02:43:59crs23sorry.  time is in seconds.  precision is generally the best the platform can muster.
02:44:28captain_protonwait let me look at something
02:44:28crs23linux uses gettimeofday(), though.  i'm sure there are better options.
02:45:01crs23win32 uses the CPU performance counter, if available.
02:45:05captain_protonoh wait - its a floating point
02:45:11captain_protonthats perfect
02:45:16captain_protonthought it was integer seconds
02:45:42crs23sorry i wasn't more clear.
02:48:59captain_protonis there a global TimeKeeper somewheres?
02:51:10crs23not really.  playing.cxx keeps track of the game time and sets an animation parameter, though.
02:51:32captain_protonso i create a local instance of it?
02:52:40crs23i was just thinking maybe using the animation parameter is easier.  just use getParams().getFloat("time") to get the current time.
02:53:46crs23that'll be fine for testing purposes.
02:54:20captain_protonyeah thats a lot easier =)
02:54:33crs23both bzflag and bzgview set that parameter so you can still use bzgview for testing.
03:00:07vogon_jeltzcrs23: well, I've given in to trying to write position/size-setting code :P
03:00:44vogon_jeltzpulls up the SDL headers
03:32:56captain_protonhow should i initialize the SceneNodeVFFloats? compiles
03:40:51crs23the parameters are the field name, the minimum number of values (0), the maximum number (0 == no limit), and the size of an item (4 for colors, 3 for vertices)
03:41:19captain_protontexcoords is 3
03:41:32crs23should be 2
03:51:24captain_protonoh no...
05:58:49jacquesman a bad night for bzflag
05:59:01jacquesall servers with players are not working right
05:59:12jacqueseither strange lag or error connecting
06:00:11jacquesI'm going to try to setup one
06:00:15jacquesbut i have to ask permission first
07:10:19captain_protongoes w00t w00t!
07:16:07MrApathyCreamunseen mcguyver?
07:17:13captain_protonbut i started downloading a new show
07:17:16captain_protonwell, old show
07:17:24captain_protonbut i haven't seen most of it
07:17:31captain_protondr who!
07:18:18MrApathyCreamdr who.... heh, blast from the past
08:46:49jacquesi really dont have any confidence in the honesty of many of the players I see
08:47:06jacquesyou kill them and 5 seconds later they are on the highest spot with the GM again
08:47:08captain_protonhow so?
08:47:16jacquesetc etc etc etc
08:47:22jacquesimpossible to hit players
08:47:32captain_protona lot of the time thats just lag =|
08:47:35jacquesplayers whose bullets seem to go faster than mormal
08:47:52jacquesI'm getting a feel for what's normal after playing for like 40 hours now
08:47:53captain_proton1.8 will fix a lot of that
08:48:08jacquesand I always do lagstats after somethng happens
08:48:25jacquesa lot of times the impossible to hit players are not highly lagged
08:48:30captain_protonlagstats isn't accurate
08:48:34jacquestho sometimes they are
08:48:47jacqueswell how can a person play a game without thinking ppl are cheating?
08:48:50jacquesit's frustrating
08:49:06jacquesanyone with half a brain can cheat at tihs game
08:49:13captain_protonalmost all the cheats i've seen aren't subtle at all
08:49:34jacquesso? if I was going to sheat I could think of a million subtle ways to do it
08:49:35captain_protonand i started playing (and experiencing those quirks) quite a while before people were really cheating
08:49:40jacquessmaller bounding box
08:49:49jacquesslightly faster sleed, and bullets
08:49:58jacquesspecial keys to give me flags I want
08:50:08captain_protonwell the flag-on-demand hack isn't subtle
08:50:16jacqueshw can you tell?
08:50:29jacquesyou just see  the same person grab GM every time right after they are killed
08:50:37jacquesno way to prove it's cheating
08:50:48jacquesif it was me, I would grab a couple of pther flags first
08:50:59captain_protonalso, they 'grab' flags when there isn't a flag around
08:51:13jacquesyeah but you can t be watching them constantly
08:51:21jacquesalso - what controls the respawn point?
08:51:29captain_protonthe client
08:51:35jacquesmany times I will kill someone and they will respawn right bhind me
08:51:39captain_protonas you said, there are a million things that could be hacked
08:51:40jacquesim dead
08:52:02jacquesone person was complaining he saw someone jump way too far
08:52:05captain_protonbut in my experience, the hackers go for the things they think would be 'cool', rather than those that are hard to detect
08:52:20captain_protonie. flying tanks, flag on spawn, no death, etc
08:52:38jacquesive never seen any of that
08:52:44jacquesbut ive seen lots of weird stuff
08:52:47captain_protonthats because they're put to shame
08:53:09jacqueshow will 1.8 help?
08:53:11captain_protoni just wish all the bzflag hax0rs would just become developers
08:53:16captain_protonwe're moving a lot into the server
08:53:22captain_protonflag grabbing, spawn points, etc
08:53:27jacquesheh, all they can do is change numbers and stuff
08:53:31captain_protonalso, the server will do checks on tank and bullet velocities
08:53:38jacquesthat will be excellent
08:53:49jacquesthat's what needs to be done
08:54:00jacquestho i assume clients will still do collision detection?
08:54:06captain_protonof course
08:54:18captain_protoncheat protection is not too huge a concern though =|
08:54:24jacqueswhy not?
08:54:30captain_protonwe're most concerned with the new netcode and minimizing lag
08:54:42jacquesso cheat protection will come later?
08:54:51jacqueswhy not move collision detection to the server?
08:55:08captain_protonwe're also almost certainly going to do a 'karma' system
08:55:18captain_protonso players who cheat won't be able to log onto the fastest servers
08:55:20jacqueshow about password protected servers?
08:55:31captain_protonpasswords are leaked too easily
08:55:31jacquesand the ability to ban ppl by IP ranges?
08:55:38captain_protonwe will have player registration though
08:59:49jacquesI'm going to head home. I'll be on from there (in case anyone cares) :-D
09:04:19captain_protonhey Aldebaran
09:04:32AldebaranI saw something odd
09:04:42Aldebarana player was cheating, and another player was able to
09:05:01Aldebaranmake the cheating players tank only able to kill tanks at very close range
09:05:45AldebaranPlayer A says banban the cheater is now impotent
09:05:59Aldebaranplayer a not real name, but banban is real cheaters handle
09:06:12Aldebarann the cheating player really was apparently
09:06:17Aldebarann handicapped in some way
09:06:42Aldebarann Player A was somehow able to affect cheaters client
09:06:45vogon_jeltzsounds like a cool feature someone added to their server
09:06:59Aldebaranbut it was not his server...!!!
09:07:00vogon_jeltzit's theoretically possible
09:07:15Aldebarann he said he couldn't kick the cheater... so I presume not his server
09:07:23captain_protonthey could have just grabbed their IP (through a simple client mod) and ping flooded the hell out of them
09:07:39Aldebaranyes I have players ip listed  
09:07:47Aldebarancurious is POD a crime?
09:07:47vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: or rewritten the server to block all MsgShotBegins from that player
09:08:51captain_protonplain old documentation?
09:08:53AldebaranI have asked player A to show me how, but as it is I was very tempted to ping the ip of the cheater
09:09:18captain_protonwhat do you mean POD?
09:09:19Aldebarann no there is a way to send a malformed ping packet, too long, causes problems with most os
09:09:34captain_protonthere's no such thing as a malformed ping
09:09:35vogon_jeltzoh, the Ping of Death
09:09:43vogon_jeltzand you're doing the BZFlag chat thing :)
09:09:44captain_protonany malformed icmp packets ought to be thrown out
09:10:11vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: the old M$ ICMP stack BSODded when you sent a fragmented ping longer than 65,535 octets
09:10:22captain_protonyeah but thats MS =)
09:10:26AldebaranI want very much to know how he handicapped the cheaters tank
09:10:28captain_protonthat wouldn't have caused this issue though
09:10:42captain_protonAldebaran: he probably had a fat pipe and just ping flooded them
09:10:49captain_protonseriously increasing thier lag
09:11:05AldebaranI want to be able to do it...  hmm... the cheaters are making me crazy arn't they
09:11:26captain_protoni have a solution for ya - start hacking on 1.8 with us ;)
09:11:47captain_protonbtw, how goes the SDLing?
09:11:59Aldebaranit is in C, I knew pascal and modula ii about 10 years ago
09:12:04vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: OK, I guess
09:12:12AldebaranI think performance is faster without mesa
09:12:13captain_protonAldebaran: hehe...
09:12:20captain_protonAldebaran: mesa is software rendering
09:12:38Aldebaranwhat is SDL?  some graphic thing right?
09:12:46Aldebaransimple direct layer?
09:13:01vogon_jeltzAldebaran: it's a platform-abstracting graphics and sound layer
09:13:12vogon_jeltzAldebaran: Simple DirectMedia Layer
09:13:42vogon_jeltzit's essentially platform-independent DirectX
09:14:22Aldebaranok I am slow, do I have it? is it an rpm I can install?
09:14:58Aldebaranwhen I was knowledgable vga was hot, not supervga, but vga
09:15:14captain_protonlikes vga
09:15:16vogon_jeltzman, kicking it old-skool, I see :)
09:15:33vogon_jeltzremembers Turbo Pascal 4... mmm, good times
09:16:21vogon_jeltzI remember building a 3D widget set from primitives when I was 11...
09:16:37captain_protonold-skool is my asm lab
09:16:51captain_protonp75's, but we're only using the 8086 instruction set
09:18:28Aldebaranhmmm... rpm drake says I have SDL, must be for nethack
09:18:38iLLf8dlo alde
09:18:40iLLf8ddidn't seeya here
09:18:47Aldebaranhello Sir
09:18:49iLLf8dhows 1.7e5 working out
09:18:54vogon_jeltzhi, iLLf8d
09:18:59iLLf8ddon't be callin me sir heh
09:19:03vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: now, there's a game :)
09:19:07iLLf8djust call me tankenstein heh
09:19:18Aldebarannethack is a really good game.  it's the main reason I dropped out of university
09:19:20iLLf8dnethack I used to play moria
09:19:33iLLf8dback in the 82
09:19:36Aldebaranyes moria is nethack  same game, blue centipeds, the barlog
09:19:48iLLf8don a commodore pet in 16k tapedrive setup
09:19:52captain_protonyou dropped out? shame on you
09:19:59Aldebaranmoria is nethack on vax 11/750 and other vaxi
09:20:14iLLf8dnethack here too
09:20:21iLLf8dthey ported it to everything
09:20:28iLLf8dthat game rocked
09:20:36Aldebarannewest nethack is Falcons Eye, graphics sound  my sons love it
09:20:50iLLf8ddunno that one
09:20:52vogon_jeltzfeh... give me GLHack
09:20:53iLLf8dis it commercial?
09:21:13Aldebaranno is on source forge somewhere found it on happypenguin
09:21:24iLLf8dwhats glhack?
09:21:28iLLf8ddoes it exist
09:21:44vogon_jeltziLLf8d: it's a graphical nethack
09:21:46iLLf8dlooks for both
09:22:32captain_protongoes to sleep
09:22:47iLLf8ddude that rocks
09:22:50vogon_jeltznn, cappy
09:22:51iLLf8dfalcons eye
09:22:54Aldebaranwhat does?
09:22:56iLLf8dis installing that puppy
09:23:13captain_protonshould have several episodes of dr who tomorrow morning =)
09:23:35AldebaranI had a crush on Romana for a while
09:23:43iLLf8dits even deb'd
09:23:49iLLf8d18s and it'll be installed
09:23:55Aldebaranwhatis iLLf8d?
09:24:06AldebaranGLhack or Falcons Eye
09:25:31iLLf8dfalcons eye
09:25:34Aldebaranam downloading GLhack to see if better than Falcons Eye
09:26:15iLLf8ddude no comparison
09:26:20iLLf8dlook at the screenshots
09:26:29vogon_jeltzGLhack is pretty much a rewrite of nethack with 2D sprites in place of text
09:26:40iLLf8dvogon look at that falcons deally
09:26:49vogon_jeltzit's nothing all that special, but it does remain true to the spirit of the game
09:27:05Aldebaranoh yea, I will stick with falcons eye...  didn't see screenshots for GLhack till now
09:27:06iLLf8ddude take a look at taht
09:27:16vogon_jeltziLLf8d: right now, I'm downloading some music and hacking on BZFlag... I'll do it later
09:27:26iLLf8ddude its just a webpage
09:27:29iLLf8dhas screenshots
09:27:33iLLf8dits only music
09:27:53vogon_jeltzyou do realize that I'm on 56K, right?
09:28:26iLLf8dI used to have a 33.6 heh
09:28:42Aldebarantankenstein I don't know how to make rearview mirror in 1.8  got to console, but ...
09:29:08AldebaranI wanted a 33.6 for years, started out with a vic modem at 300 baud
09:49:21jacquesiLLf8d: you are tankenstein? you are good :-)
09:51:29jacquesi see banban
09:51:34jacqueshe's only been killed once
09:51:40jacqueshe's the high scodre
09:52:23jacqueshey what's the deal with flags that cant be picked up?
09:52:31jacquesthat has happned to me several times today and not before today
10:09:50iLLf8dyeah i'm tank
10:10:00iLLf8dnot really good perse heh
10:10:11iLLf8dconsiders good 4 to 1 kill ratio against everyone heh
10:10:32iLLf8dbugs mostly
10:10:35vogon_jeltzun-shades XEmacs and gets back to work
10:12:20iLLf8dyo alde that thing is quite cool
10:12:32iLLf8dcan't figure out how to startup a saved character tho
10:14:59jacquesi just had genocide and killed someone and the others on the team did not die
10:15:11jacquesi am starting to get frustrated
10:15:20vogon_jeltzwas the tank a rogue?
10:15:21jacquesactually it's good because I have been playing too much
10:15:26jacquesno it was green team
10:16:58jacquesgreat now all 4 players on the other team have GM
10:18:27jacquesok that'zs fucking it
10:18:48jacquesppl i cant hit at all even though i shoot through them 5 times
10:19:07jacquesthen they manage to turn around long before I can and shoot me
10:19:13jacquesnot fun
10:21:57Aldebaranwhat server jacques?
10:22:36AldebaranTankenstein, it should load a saved character when you start it.  If not then you need to make
10:22:51Aldebaransome directory writable where the chars are saved
10:25:50Aldebaranwell first of all Gus(H) cheats sometimes maybe always
10:27:28jacqueshow do you know?
10:27:45jacquesI cant remember if he's one of the ones I thought was cheating
10:29:38jacquesbet I do remember that he was killing me a lot :-) but that could just be skill
10:29:40Aldebaranintersting, Gus(H) and Zeus(H) have same ip number
10:29:56jacquesdammit zeus is one of the ones I do think it cheating
10:30:18jacquessome ppl I can tell are just a lot better than me
10:30:30jacquessome ppl always get the GM right after they spawn and cant be hit
10:30:57jacquesand some of those ppl zeus was one of them did not die when I killed their teammate with G
10:32:15jacquesthat was right after zeus had killed my team about 6 times in a row with G
10:34:40Aldebaranlook I am there now, come back in to bzflag
10:35:18jacquesI'm downloading files now
10:35:30jacquesi decided to give up on bzflag for the night
10:35:34jacquesit wasnt fun anymore
10:38:25Aldebaranwell, I get that way too
10:38:36Aldebaranthe cheaters make me crazy and then I begin to wonder
10:38:49Aldebaranif someone is cheating, and it wears on me
10:39:33jacquesthat's what happened to me
10:40:53jacquesand it wasnt just one person
10:59:14iLLf8dwheredya go?
10:59:42iLLf8dI think the lag that he has is from ipmasq or something
11:00:01iLLf8d10shots dead nuts should kill a dude with 400ms lag
11:00:10iLLf8d10 shot fields are a bit outta control too
11:00:16iLLf8ddunno why they bother withem
11:00:50iLLf8djacques you gotta learn on that field that getting gm is common
11:00:54iLLf8don other fields its not
11:00:59iLLf8dI think theres 3 gms there
11:01:07iLLf8dand they don't always disappear
11:01:18iLLf8dmakes not of when gms die and watch to see if flags drop =)
11:01:29iLLf8dtoo many gms there if you ask me
11:02:56iLLf8djacques dude don't give up on bz
11:03:04iLLf8djust play on a field that doesn't allow the cheating as much
11:03:09jacquesall 4 green team had GM
11:03:12iLLf8dlike caps server
11:03:17iLLf8dyeah theres alot of gms on that field
11:03:32iLLf8dalde and I came in and ran them down
11:03:37AldebaranI was just there got GM very often  When 1.8 comes out there will be no cheating for a while
11:03:46iLLf8denough so that zeus switched to aldes color to avoid being shot by him heh
11:04:04Aldebarann I love it when they do that.
11:04:37iLLf8djacques just spiral in on gm
11:04:41Aldebaranwhen I first started it was horrible, 2 tanks vs me, they would ignore me to deal with the other
11:04:46Aldebaranthen they would kill me
11:04:49iLLf8dthen when you get close or on top ofem shoot them to pieces
11:04:53Aldebarannow I think they kill me first
11:04:54iLLf8dwhen they move move withem
11:05:03iLLf8dthey panic and can't get lock when your tank is close
11:05:08iLLf8dalso use banks
11:05:19iLLf8dcause eventually they figure it out and start to straight shoot you
11:05:36iLLf8dbank shots are much better cause you can't turn to fast
11:05:50AldebaranHey does GM have any problem locking on narrow?  often when narrow GM can't seem to get me
11:06:04iLLf8dnever noticed
11:06:17iLLf8dI always wondered what the trick is to that  jump spin
11:06:26iLLf8dnever works for me but I see alot of people avoidng gm with it
11:06:40iLLf8dyou ever notice that?
11:06:57Aldebaranno, GM will get you if you jump always
11:07:01jacquesi see a lot of ppl avoiding GM when I have it
11:07:09iLLf8dno  see a ton of people avoiding it somehow
11:07:16iLLf8dtho I never could so I stay on ground always
11:07:16Aldebaranbut not by jumping  just running at right angle
11:07:18jacquesI have tried the spiral I must not be doing it right
11:07:30iLLf8dyeah don't watch screen
11:07:33iLLf8donly watch radar
11:07:37jacquesspiral works a little for me
11:07:37iLLf8dwith gm
11:07:49iLLf8dthat way people won't backshoot you and you can see missle angle
11:07:49jacquesbut usually ppl are too high up
11:08:05AldebaranI am going back maybe in 1.8 bye
11:08:09jacquesthey are in places that  cant even figure out how to get to
11:08:11iLLf8ddude you play  WELL for a newbie
11:08:17iLLf8dyou'll be deadly in no time stick with it
11:08:36iLLf8dyeah you learn the field
11:08:43iLLf8dif you need to know ask me or alde
11:08:55iLLf8dcan't speak for him but if I know how to get somewhere i'll tellya
11:09:04jacquesI'm not giving up
11:09:07jacquesjust for tonight
11:09:21jacquesI seem to be doing much worse today and seeing lots more weird stuff than usual
11:09:32iLLf8dyou were on a field full of gms
11:09:40jacquesyeah :-\
11:09:42iLLf8dmost people either get creamed or do well on those fields
11:09:50jacquesand I cant really avoind then except by hiding
11:10:12jacquesand usually they get me because there were 4 of them and like 2-3 ppl on my team :-(
11:10:51iLLf8dwell with many gms and if they have you braketed run around and look for oo gm stealth or sw and go for the easy kill
11:11:11iLLf8dif they know how to use their gms you gotta just eat the kills till you can knock one or 2 ofem out
11:11:25jacquesstealth means gm cant lock right?
11:11:33iLLf8dyeah however
11:11:39iLLf8dthe missles will straight shoot
11:11:41jacquesthey can still kill me
11:11:44iLLf8dnthe key there is
11:11:55iLLf8dattack on a side with someone behind you
11:11:59iLLf8dnot directly etc...
11:12:08iLLf8dthat way their shots lockon the other person and curve away from you
11:12:16jacquesvery clever :-)
11:12:32iLLf8dgood gm dudes are hard to beat
11:12:48iLLf8dthe good ones shoot a spread of gms then lockon late
11:12:53iLLf8dsome behind and some in front of you
11:13:02iLLf8dthat way you can't be parallel to all of them
11:13:06jacquesso that's what thy're doing
11:13:08iLLf8dsorry perpendicular I mean
11:13:20jacquesI thought they were doing something like that
11:13:32iLLf8dyeah and some guys are awesome wrappers
11:13:48iLLf8dshoot off gms watch radar lock on and watch missles curver around buildings heh
11:14:06iLLf8di'm not very good at it
11:14:25jacquesI'll have to try that
11:14:29iLLf8done thing I get people on tons is from that rectangular building around the center pyramid
11:14:45iLLf8dI line up just to the left of the pyarmid
11:15:00iLLf8dlike 2 tanks lengths offset (degrees of a circle
11:15:22iLLf8dthen I jump spin towards pyramid and fire gms before I spin into the pyarmid too much
11:15:33iLLf8dthen my spin caries me into a missle lock range
11:15:49iLLf8dhard to explain heh
11:16:01jacquesI think I understand :-D
11:16:14jacquesthere's a lot of tactics I never thought of
11:16:22iLLf8dthat way you can shoot over high edge of pyramid and lock on tank on far side on building rooftops
11:17:05iLLf8dyeah more tactics then you think
11:17:12iLLf8dI told you about sw the other day right
11:17:31iLLf8dI think it was you
11:17:34jacqueshmm, just that it's good for killing GM users
11:17:42iLLf8dits a great weapon
11:17:55jacquesdo tell :-)
11:17:59iLLf8djust when you've got sw and are being chased by sw
11:18:07iLLf8dyou run away and shoot it off
11:18:13iLLf8dthat way they only die
11:18:50iLLf8dnever run into sw with sw
11:18:58jacquessw does not protect from shots does it?
11:19:00iLLf8dunless you're baiting them and can run away when they persue
11:19:19iLLf8dif they're smart and seeya doing that they drop their sw and fire normal shots atya
11:19:20jacquessome ppl with sw I have an extremely hard time hitting while they are using it
11:19:43iLLf8dposition yourself i'd say uhm
11:19:51iLLf8d1.5 jumps lengths away from them in the open
11:20:11iLLf8dthen they'll take the bait and you can shootem when they land or in the air you jumping in a straight line and firing
11:20:37iLLf8dand use bank shots
11:20:43iLLf8dif you're being persued close
11:20:43jacquesyeah banks are cool
11:20:50jacquesI killed afew ppl using those today
11:20:54iLLf8drun toward a building and curve so it shoots and goes past yoru shoulder
11:20:58jacquesbut usually I dont think about using them
11:21:15iLLf8dand best yet
11:21:24iLLf8dspy the fucker you hate most or the most deadly weapon
11:21:29iLLf8dand go for them
11:21:41iLLf8dmost lasers/gms/other sw's
11:21:55iLLf8dwill forget about you altogether when they see someone chasing you with sw coming close
11:22:12iLLf8dthat way the laser/gm etc... starts shooting at the guy with sw chasing you
11:22:18iLLf8dand you get to kill whose left over
11:22:36jacqueswow, my mind is overloading
11:23:00iLLf8dI love baiting people I think thats were all the fun comes
11:23:21jacquesyeah, the psychology
11:23:33jacquesI am still falling for most of the tricks
11:23:40iLLf8dyeah you'll get there
11:23:51iLLf8don that 10 shot field don't feel the need to fire off 10 shots at someone
11:24:04jacquesyeah I am just learning that
11:24:05iLLf8dfire of 1-3 swerve fire 1-3 more swerver etc....
11:24:13jacquessome ppl are excellent swervers
11:24:21iLLf8dyeah I wish I was better
11:24:21jacquesI'm still learning that
11:24:36iLLf8dsome dudes do it tighter then I do and wax my ass
11:25:35jacquesone thing I am stiill getting used to is where a shot looks like it's going to miss me - going off to one side- but it hits
11:25:40iLLf8dwith sw stay on rooftops
11:25:50iLLf8dor building edges
11:25:59jacquesyeah not in the open
11:26:07jacqueswhere the long range weps acn get you
11:26:24iLLf8din 1.8 I think the view is better
11:26:34iLLf8dhaven't played enough yet to tell tho
11:27:07iLLf8dI think thats the first thing i'll fix, I think the view size is adjustable now
11:27:38iLLf8di'll setup my client so that when shots clear screen exactly, is the tightest swerver I can do
11:28:17iLLf8dsheesh 3:30am
11:28:21iLLf8dI'm going to bed
11:28:25iLLf8dnight everyone
11:28:39Aldebaranis 6:30 here goodnight
11:28:41iLLf8dvogon just curious whatya coding?
11:28:55vogon_jeltzSDL/GL renderer for BZflag
11:29:05iLLf8doh you're converting it
11:29:21iLLf8dmaybe we can add some kicking music now
11:29:36vogon_jeltzyeah, OpenAL is my next task
11:30:12jacquesnight iLLf8d thanks for all your help
11:30:16iLLf8dtho that sdl parachute can get annoying heh
11:30:17iLLf8dmy tribes2 works great tho...
11:30:22jacquesand encouragement
11:30:41jacquesiLLf8d: where are you it's 330 am here too
11:30:50iLLf8dyeah and avoid meqs heh
11:31:05vogon_jeltzis away: TV
11:31:14jacquesheh they are tough alright
11:31:46iLLf8dcya =)
12:43:57vogon_jeltzis back (gone 01:12:51)
15:05:49vogon_jeltzis away: sl33p
15:59:03pplhey chestal
15:59:50Labhrashi all
15:59:52pplhey salut :)
15:59:58Labhrasmouarf :-)
16:00:03Labhrasplus rapide que moi ;-)
16:00:20Labhrasis there Chestal here ?
16:00:22pplI'm already on this network... thats why :)
16:00:30Labhrasah !
16:00:40ppland im not palying on the same computer that im IRCing with
16:01:09ppli would run abzflag server if i could get the command line arguments correct ;)
16:01:20ChestalI'm here
16:01:35Labhrasthere is a strange thing...
16:01:36pplanyone run a server here?
16:01:44captain_protona couple of us
16:01:55pplcaptain_proton can you give me the command line?
16:02:10captain_protonppl: all the options are in the documentation...
16:02:17pplI'm not interested with battleing with those arguments
16:02:19Labhraswell... a flag (in a capture flag game) is inside a building :-/
16:02:19pplyes i know
16:02:29captain_protoni can give you the command line that I use but it may or may not be useful
16:03:06Chestallabhras: hm, happens sometimes, I ave no clue when or why, I'll come
16:03:08captain_protonbzfs -i +r -pf -r -h -ms 10 -t -j -t -sa -st 10 -sw 1 -ttl 255 -passwd <censored> -public "captain proton's server - DECKS\!\!\!\!\!\!\! WOOHOO\!\!\!" -world decks2 -fb
16:03:42captain_protonkeep in mind that that config has no flags
16:03:47pplI'm surprised that they didn't use getopt(3)
16:03:59captain_protongetopt isn't platform independant
16:04:13pplwell it's portable for most stuff
16:04:25pplcan't have + though
16:04:55captain_protongetopt isn't available on windows or mac
16:04:57pplwhere i get the world ?
16:05:01pploh, right.
16:05:02captain_protononly on most* unixes
16:05:12pplfoggot about the cross-portability
16:05:37captain_protonthere are a couple places to get worlds
16:05:46pplthere's no default one?
16:05:49Chestalthis ctf-flag inside building is a strange bug, shoudln't happen
16:05:54captain_protonthere's the default randomly generated one
16:06:07captain_protonwhich you'll get if you leave off the -world <blah>
16:06:58pplok ill use that
16:09:50pplbleh. arguments still complaning. ;)
16:10:37ppla configuration file would be nicer.. will be ;)
16:12:50Chestalhmm, what's -pf?
16:13:03captain_protongood question
16:13:58Chestaloh, some undocumented port magic
16:14:14captain_protonaren't those great?
16:14:37Chestalhehe, those will be gone with 1.8 as soon as we have the new netcode
16:15:16captain_protonhopefully we can move to a config file instead of monster command lines
16:15:35pplI heard some people can cheat, is that true and if yes, will future release of bzflag will try to stop this?
16:15:48captain_protonpeople can hack the client atm
16:16:01pplwith source it's even easier. :)
16:16:14pplsoo stuff will need to be more serverside..
16:16:29captain_protonas i said last night, the hax0rs need to become developers =)
16:16:30Chestalthat needs to be discussed more
16:16:36ChestalI am not in favour of doing too much server side
16:16:58captain_protonChestal: iirc, tim wanted to do at least spawning and flag grabbing server side
16:17:17ChestalI am skeptical, especailly about flag grabbing
16:17:30Chestalthat would mean that server has to do dead reckoning
16:17:40captain_protonkeep in mind lag won't be as big a problem with the new netcode design ;)
16:17:46pplI think that even if i would hack the source and modify soo I can't die, I would still suck.
16:17:50captain_protonthats true...
16:17:53Chestalbasic latencies won't be much lower
16:18:13Chestalbut we'll see
16:18:20captain_protonppl: it turns out everybody who hacks up the client is no good to begin with, so they still suck ;)
16:19:12pplit's only C++ ?
16:20:00pplok. I have some config file stuff written in C
16:20:48pplI'm newbie in C+, but learning it..
16:23:06captain_protoni'm afraid its going to get more complicated for you in that case - we're starting to use some of the more advanced features of the language
16:23:50captain_protontemplates, the STL, etc
16:24:36pplok. i've done some templates lately... well a stack
16:24:57pplI was about to ask if you where heavly using the STL but I decided to hack the sources before asking ;)
16:25:08captain_protonwe're using it more and more
16:25:15ppl    fprintf(stderr,"* RECEIVE PACKET BUFFER OVERFLOW ATTEMPT: %d sent %d Bytes
16:25:17Labhrasthe sources of the STL ?
16:25:32pplI can see I'm not the only C programmer here ;-)
16:26:57pplyou're not indending to mix the two languages, are you?
16:27:27captain_protoniirc someone was working on swapping out C++ streams for everything
16:27:48captain_protonall the ios:: stuff
16:27:56captain_protoncout, etc
16:54:36pplthe flag thing just happened again
16:54:40pplsame server
16:55:01captain_protonwhich server?
16:55:18pplthe flag one
16:55:22Labhrasflag game
16:55:38ppli just tried bzflag in x for the first time, it rocks :)
16:55:46ppland at the same place
16:56:06Labhrasspecial attract ? ;-)
16:57:17captain_protonjust give a holler if it happens again
16:57:31Labhrasa holler ?
16:58:10pplcaptain_proton with waht tools you want your config file parser written in?
16:58:22ppl       n 1: a very loud utterance; "his bellow filled the hallway" [syn:        
16:58:30captain_protonppl: we'll probably do it using the same xml parser we're going to phase in
16:58:59pploh xml
16:59:06ppleveryone using xml these days
16:59:14captain_protonyes =)
16:59:22captain_protona lot of the server options will be moved into the world though
16:59:34pplok, good thing
17:50:04pplhmm, i had sound last time i runned bzflag and now its written unavailable?
17:50:27captain_protondo you have something else accessing your dsp device?
17:51:21pplnm, there were 2bzflag running
17:51:37ppli though it would get killed if i killed the xserver
18:51:15captain_protonhey vogon_jeltz - do you know of any ways to make a computer start smoking without any prior modification? (external)
19:37:21iLLf8dyeah I hear when meq's shoot at you thats been known to happen
19:37:35pplhi iLLf8d
19:37:39iLLf8dlo ppl
19:37:41iLLf8dhow goe sit
19:37:46iLLf8dhow goes it even
19:37:56pplI ended with -134 at bzflag
19:38:05iLLf8dis ppl your nick on bz too?
19:38:12iLLf8dyour callsign
19:38:15iLLf8dwhich field?
19:38:25pplwell im not there right now but i play on the flag one
19:38:36iLLf8dyou mean ctf
19:38:37pplducari ?
19:38:53pplwan't to meet there?
19:39:40iLLf8dducati it is
19:40:30pplit's full
19:54:13iLLf8dwheredya go?
19:54:26captain_protonto lunch
19:54:41iLLf8dI meant ppl brough him to decks
19:54:45iLLf8dfirst time there
19:55:37iLLf8dducati was full or host lookup timeout heh
19:55:50captain_protonhost lookup takes a few tries on ducati
19:55:52captain_protonbad nameservers
19:56:42captain_protondecks is good though ;)
19:57:06iLLf8dwell usually theres a good tip for newbies, most can't make the first deck
19:57:19iLLf8dat 1024x768 you jump right before deck starts to go offscreen
19:57:27iLLf8dand that getsem to the first level and hooked heh
19:57:41iLLf8dnext thing they go up top
19:57:44iLLf8donly natural
19:58:47iLLf8dhey cap
19:58:51iLLf8din the next version of bzedit
19:59:04iLLf8dcan you try to dock the element inspector and element list together
19:59:17iLLf8dI do it with my wm works out great
20:04:16pplwhere you get bzedit?
20:04:31iLLf8duhm you can cvs it from sourceforge
20:04:53iLLf8dcvs -d "" co bzedit
20:04:56iLLf8dthink that should work
20:05:17iLLf8dthen you gotta compile it
20:08:31pplok, its not released yet?
20:09:03ppliLLf8d ducati is up btw
20:09:11pplactually no
20:09:15ppli connected tothe wrong server :)
20:10:43captain_protonstrange things on ducati
20:11:04captain_protonmost of the red team were harder to hit then they should have been
20:12:12pplporr me, i always play as green :)
20:13:07pplhmm, you use gtk+ with C++ :)
20:13:38iLLf8dyeah I noticed that too
20:13:47iLLf8dsometimes the lag is fairly low
20:13:48pplgtk+ is such a pain.. ;/
20:13:49iLLf8dlike uhm
20:14:03iLLf8dand still you need to lead tanks at least 3 tank lengths
20:14:12iLLf8dsometimes even when the lag is even lower it happens
20:14:14iLLf8ddunno why
20:14:37iLLf8dits gtkmm actually
20:14:43iLLf8di'm guessing =P
20:14:51pplya, the wrapper
20:14:56pplbut still i dont enjoy gtk :)
20:15:07ppldidn't try Qt yet though
20:15:21pplsome people told me it had a good design
20:15:34captain_protonthe lag on them was really low
20:16:00captain_protonbut it seemed like their tanks were just a little smaller than they should be (?)
20:16:12captain_protonhey tim
20:16:22pplwhat bz flag stand for?
20:17:10BZFlagbut not Battlezone(tm) ;-)
20:17:20pplhopefully :)
20:17:55pplcompilling gtk12
20:21:18captain_protonBZFlag: can you say "dr who" ?
20:31:48BZFlagcaptain_proton: sheesh. that's a lot of hd space. ;-)
20:32:13captain_protonBZFlag: yes it would be
20:32:20captain_protonBZFlag: i don't have too many so far
20:37:50captain_protontries to figure out how much hard disk space it would take
20:39:10captain_protonapproximatly 135 GB
20:40:10pplonly 5x my total disk space
20:41:57captain_protonhey crs
20:42:04crs23hey captain_proton
20:43:12captain_protoni'm at a little bit of a standstill with the particles...
20:43:32crs23what's holding you up?  midterms?
20:44:04captain_protonbut i can't find the motivation to learn how the parsers work at the moment
20:46:00captain_protondon't suppose you ever got XMLTree integrated? =}
20:46:04crs23oh.  well, parsing scene graph nodes is pretty simple.  it's all in SceneReader.cxx and you should be able to get away with cut and paste.
20:47:47crs23i'm working on XMLTree.  but, that really wouldn't make it any easier for the particle reading.
20:48:10captain_protonat least i already understand how it works ;)
20:50:57crs23but the parsing of scene node fields (e.g. color, vertex, etc. in geometry) is done for you by helper objects.
20:51:24crs23did you look at SceneReader::open()?  adding a new node takes all of 30 seconds.
20:51:53captain_protonno - as i said - no motivation =)
21:01:00iLLf8dsomeone callsign odanielo is cheating or fucked up
21:01:07iLLf8dhe's a bubble in the corner noone can see him
21:01:16iLLf8dyet he drives around trying to kill ppl
21:01:39captain_protoniLLf8d: where?
21:01:39iLLf8dI toldem to restart or get kicked
21:01:39iLLf8don decks
21:01:41iLLf8dyour server
21:01:42captain_protonbe there in a sec
21:01:54iLLf8dhe may leave dunno
21:08:20iLLf8djust so you know I asked not told him to restart his client a few times (he woudn't even try that)
21:08:29iLLf8dI think he was a cheater not someone with network issues
21:08:40iLLf8dhe was at 1 point and wouldn't even try to restart bzflag
21:08:42iLLf8dwhats that tellya
21:08:52iLLf8dthen others asked him to restart
21:09:23iLLf8dthen I said restart of get kicked
21:09:26captain_protonyou think he's cheating?
21:09:29iLLf8dwhich may have been outta place
21:09:50iLLf8djust the fact he has 1 point and when the whole field asks him to restart his client he won't.....
21:09:51iLLf8ddo the math
21:10:01iLLf8dwe all said we couldn't see him
21:10:07captain_protonwhat did he say?
21:10:14iLLf8dkept shooting
21:10:18captain_protonkeep in mind it looks like he's sorta a newbie (1.7e2, no udp)
21:10:20iLLf8dhe may NOT be cheating
21:10:31iLLf8dhe may be trying to take advantage of his situation
21:10:35iLLf8dwhich is CHEATING heh
21:10:42iLLf8deither way he was being a momo
21:11:07iLLf8dand I won't say restart or be kicked i'll come get you in the future (not my server who am I to say anything)
21:11:09iLLf8dsorry bout that part
21:11:30iLLf8dyeah probably
21:11:49iLLf8dhe was asked nicely many times by the entire field all 3 of us at the time (4 players  total)
21:12:15iLLf8dwasn't getting anywhere guess I get aggrivated tho
21:12:23iLLf8ddon't understand cheating or stuff like that
21:12:32iLLf8dshit i'd find bz COMPLETELY boring if I had a cheat tank
21:12:37iLLf8dno challenge why bother
21:12:42captain_protonyeah =|
21:12:47iLLf8ddon't understand it
21:13:00iLLf8di'd rather have the competition and get my ass kicked
21:13:14iLLf8dgetting owned is cool too cause then i get to learn from the fucker owning me heh
21:13:41iLLf8dsmooth is a good player sometimes he's tankity tank
21:13:50iLLf8dat least the 2 times I played him
21:14:09captain_protonhaven't seen him but i've heard he's decent
21:14:27iLLf8dhe hasn't come back either
21:14:42iLLf8dI wish I could run bz in a window
21:14:48captain_protonbzflag -window
21:14:49iLLf8dhate leaving the game to come talk here
21:14:57iLLf8dyeah my brightness gets fubared
21:15:05iLLf8doutside window its overly bright
21:15:10iLLf8dand when mouse goes out bzflag gets all dim
21:15:12captain_protonthats because it sets the brightness based on screen gamma
21:15:31iLLf8dwhy they so far off?
21:15:42iLLf8dthe gamma (not that I know anything about it at all)
21:15:48captain_protonbzflag really renders quite darkly
21:16:01captain_protonthe gamma adjusts the entire monitor brightness
21:16:19iLLf8dgonna start a new field
21:16:23iLLf8dshaped like a canyon
21:16:29iLLf8dlike the grand canyon kinda deally
21:16:38iLLf8dlots of platueas and caves
21:16:45iLLf8dhopefully it'll be cool
21:21:05pplgah. anyone sue fbsd + bzedit?
21:22:43pplthe configure script is giving me a hard time
21:23:14captain_protoncontinues his who binge
21:53:14vogon_jeltzis back (gone 06:47:22)
22:39:53iLLf8dscared everyone off heh
23:58:00MrApathyCreambummer, no cvs checkins

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