irclog2html for bzflag on 2002.01.24

00:34:53BZFlag was last seen on #zaurus 34 minutes and 32 seconds ago, saying: kergoth`work: agreed. no sources, a lot of depends and a jffs2 target. ;-) [Thu Jan 24 00:00:21 2002]
00:34:53MrApathyCreamibot, seen BZFlag?
01:20:18I haven't seen 'Crazy_1.8_guy', MrApathyCream
01:20:18MrApathyCreamibot, seen Crazy_1.8_guy?
01:44:36vogon_jeltzis back (gone 11:17:33)
01:44:53vogon_jeltzno, it's not done yet
01:57:16MrApathyCreamibot, is it done yet?
04:02:12MrApathyCreamlooks for change in topics....
04:02:31MrApathyCreamexpects Vogon pronoucement: Finished!
04:02:37vogon_jeltzkicks MrApathyCream's ass into the next cubic parsec
04:02:55captain_protonhey MrApathyCream
04:03:07captain_protoncome on vogon_jeltz - we've both done our parts
04:03:18MrApathyCreamdecides not to take capn-parser off the hook
04:03:28MrApathyCreamHey hows that good, bad and team parsing going capn?
04:03:44vogon_jeltzhow long did it take cappy to finish his part, again?
04:04:02captain_protonvogon_jeltz: once i got done with school enough to work on it, 30 minutes
04:04:02MrApathyCream1 day 1 hour... you're about 3 hours late.
04:04:14MrApathyCream5 points off for every hour now
04:04:22vogon_jeltzout of how many?
04:05:33MrApathyCreamcapn: good, bad, team?
04:05:45captain_protonno, not yet
04:05:56MrApathyCreamSheesh, the yutes of today!
04:06:42vogon_jeltzwhat the f0rk is this diffed against?
04:06:45captain_protonMrApathyCream: i'm currently working on finishing up some asm stuff for my class tomorrow
04:06:51captain_protonvogon_jeltz: should be current CVS
04:07:12vogon_jeltzuhh, you guys do know that the netcode in the e5 server is screwed up something awful
04:07:16captain_protonMrApathyCream: i'll do good/bad/team immediately after the patch comes back to my corner
04:07:22MrApathyCreamno... works
04:07:29vogon_jeltzwell, it's been fixed then
04:07:31captain_protonvogon_jeltz: you need to add -pr in the server opts
04:07:55vogon_jeltzchecks out the CVS
04:08:13MrApathyCreamThere's this new feature where two people can work on the same code at the same time.... It's called cvs
04:08:27MrApathyCreamwasn't sure if that was apparent... :P
04:08:31vogon_jeltzand don't bitch about it, because I like to work off trees where my bugs aren't masked by other people's bugs
04:09:18MrApathyCreamWhat version do you normally use then, 0.00?
04:09:43vogon_jeltzat least I could connect to a freaking server with it
04:09:52MrApathyCreame5 works fine
04:10:00MrApathyCreamthat's all i use
04:10:05vogon_jeltzuhh, not when I was working on the MD5 caching thing
04:10:29MrApathyCreamYou didn't know the secret handshake, I guess.
04:11:18MrApathyCreampatch done, ... so what... maybe another hour?
04:12:10vogon_jeltzonce I have the CVS, I can implement my "confusing" algorithm in an hour, and the "not confusing" one in less
04:12:12captain_protonMrApathyCream: care to look at what i've got for the new proto so far?
04:12:24captain_protongo for the "not confusing" one
04:12:35vogon_jeltzuhh, "no"
04:13:07MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: sure
04:14:34MrApathyCreamgot it thanks, will look at in a little bit
04:14:49captain_protonit doesn't have most of the protocol yet
04:15:05captain_protonactually the world transfer can be exactly the same as the file ;)
04:15:14MrApathyCreamwanders off for a few minutes
04:27:35vogon_jeltzEntryZoneFlagList *pEZFL; <-- nice name
04:27:45vogon_jeltzit's pezfla
04:30:16captain_protonteeheee....its me and moose in a private :)
04:51:50captain_protonand a resounding victory for me :)
04:53:29captain_protonneed to go print out some stuff
04:58:43captain_protoncomes back
05:04:48captain_protonhow goes the patchedness?
05:05:03vogon_jeltznot started yet :P
05:05:07vogon_jeltzwill start later
05:18:36captain_protonlazy bastard
05:19:03vogon_jeltzyou rang?
05:55:32MrApathyCreamam back
06:02:21MrApathyCreamwaits with baited breath...
06:02:35vogon_jeltzkicks apathycream... *hard*
06:02:47vogon_jeltzI've gotta figure out how you guys implemented the thing first
06:02:59vogon_jeltzand a circuit breaker in my house just blew, ruining 7 days of uptime
06:03:00MrApathyCreampezfla is an array
06:03:12MrApathyCreameach element represents a flag type.
06:03:29MrApathyCreamEach item is itself an array of flagzones
06:03:49MrApathyCreamI will use two functions that are already proto-ed in the code
06:04:43MrApathyCreamgetNextFlagEntryPos takes a flagtype.
06:04:53vogon_jeltzyeah, I got that bit
06:05:24MrApathyCreamyou need to find the array of flag zones for that flagtype, and pick a location govenerned by this list of zones
06:05:28MrApathyCreamreturn in pos
06:05:43MrApathyCreamNeed to respect -fb, and set z = 0 if not so
06:05:54MrApathyCreamIf -fb is not set, you will only get zones that have pos.z == 0
06:06:16vogon_jeltzd00d, I got it... you can shut up now :)
06:06:25MrApathyCreamsniff, sniff
06:06:57vogon_jeltzjust give me a while to mourn the loss of 7 days continuous uptime
06:07:06MrApathyCreami'm wearing black
06:08:44MrApathyCreamOAN: Where'd you say ibot was documented?
06:09:41vogon_jeltz-ibot- VERSION infobot 0.45.3 [Wurm]
06:14:42OK, MrApathyCream.
06:14:42MrApathyCreamibot, translate to german this is nifty
06:15:00vogon_jeltzibot, x en de this is nifty
06:15:02vogon_jeltz: dieses ist nifty
06:18:31MrApathyCreamBTW: To test need to alter world file
06:18:35MrApathyCreamcapn made it
06:18:37MrApathyCreambox {
06:19:20vogon_jeltzheh... I know
07:13:57MrApathyCreamvogon_jeltz: surely by now....
07:14:11vogon_jeltzwill work on it in a bit
07:14:19wish i knew, mrapathycream
07:14:19MrApathyCreamibot, what is ST?
07:14:32vogon_jeltzShut The F*** Up
07:14:39MrApathyCreamI got the FU part... :)
07:15:09vogon_jeltz is nothing but a loggerheaded gob of antique cat-hair-balls.
07:15:09MrApathyCreamibot, insult vogon_jeltz
07:15:33MrApathyCream:) fun toy
07:15:47vogon_jeltz: The server at (port 666) appears to be down.
07:15:47vogon_jeltzibot, excuse mrapathycream
07:17:30MrApathyCreamgoes searching for that elusive beauty sleep
07:17:52vogon_jeltzIIRC, YMMV but IANAL, so STFU
07:39:40captain_protonwhat are YMMV and IANAL?
07:40:19vogon_jeltzYour Mileage May Vary, I Am Not A Lawyer
07:40:58captain_protonhow goes the patchedness?
07:41:11vogon_jeltznot at all, so STFU
14:05:00Chestalhi Ruudi
14:05:08Ruudihow's goin' ?
14:05:29Chestaloh, so-so
14:05:41Ruudior so oh-oh :)?
14:05:56ChestalI'm still tired from having a late lunch after doing sports
14:06:00Chestaldrinking tea right now
14:06:04Ruudi  i made some music
14:06:08Chestalwhat about yourself?
14:06:53Ruudijust chillin
14:07:17Ruudigot enough of that music makin thin i will play some :) you know what
14:27:06vogon_jeltz: i'm not following you...
14:27:06vogon_jeltzibot, join #loki
15:07:46vogon_jeltzis away: killing time for a while
16:34:54iLLf8dthe cheating is getting outta control heh
16:37:26iLLf8dgreetings and salutations btw =)
16:40:24iLLf8dmorning all =)
16:48:27Chestalhi ill
16:50:18iLLf8dhow goes it
16:50:33Chestaloh, it's ok I guess
16:50:42iLLf8dI've been thinking about the cheating issues
16:51:05iLLf8dwhat about making bzflagops and perhaps using a dsa key to connect
16:51:07ChestalI haven't seen cheatign for a while, at least none that could be detected
16:51:12iLLf8die registered callsigns etc...
16:51:23Chestalyes, registered callsigns is the way to go
16:51:24iLLf8doh i've seen some blatant ones
16:51:26iLLf8deven today
16:51:38ChestalI rarely play outside of ducati
16:51:42iLLf8ddude with gm pass through platforms etc
16:52:02iLLf8dthe other day I was watching flying tanks
16:52:09iLLf8ddude jumped off arced down
16:52:13iLLf8dthen arced back up
16:52:21iLLf8dand landed where was too far to jump
16:52:37iLLf8dI was beating them tho heh
16:52:52iLLf8dI like to shoot my mouth off at the cheaters with the , key
16:53:08iLLf8dglad you put in that targetted discussion feature
16:53:19iLLf8dits also probably why they're starting to use my callsign
16:53:19ChestalI guess we'll try to have registered callsigns for 1.8
16:53:33Chestalstill at the idea stage, though
16:53:42iLLf8dI was on and 2 tankensteins were on heh
16:53:50iLLf8done tankenstein: and one tankenstein :
16:54:26iLLf8dI was talking to that cheater
16:54:37iLLf8dhe was saying that a few of the server owners cheat
16:54:53iLLf8ddunno if he was just shooting his mouth off but he definately had a cheat tank
16:55:02iLLf8dwas carrying too many special weapons at once
16:55:21captain_protonhey iLLf8d
16:55:28ChestalI don't get it why they're doign the cheating
16:55:34ChestalI mean, ok, it's fun if you do it once
16:55:44captain_protonChestal: its because they suck at the game
16:55:47iLLf8dwould be nice if they just got their own color tank or something
16:55:58iLLf8dthey usually suck even with the cheats
16:55:59Chestalcap: then I'd play another game
16:56:25Chestalproblem is: we cannot automatically identify cheaters
16:56:34iLLf8dlike I said I like that direct chat feature I always fuck with them when i'm kicking an obvious cheaters ass heh
16:56:45Chestalwe can only make non-cheaters identify themselves via registration
16:56:54iLLf8dchestal you have bzflag ops and register nicks
16:56:57iLLf8dthat would do it
16:57:05iLLf8d1.8 maybe
16:57:25Chestalthat woudl help if at least one op is present, that's not always the case
16:57:30Chestalor we would need a lot of them
16:57:38iLLf8dsometimes it takes a long time to see it too
16:57:44Chestalwhat I am fearign more are non-detectable cheats
16:57:50Chestalwho knows how manypeopel are using them already
16:57:51iLLf8dsometimes you never see the cheat
16:57:58captain_protonin 1.8 we're planning to have registered nicks & a karma system
16:58:20iLLf8dwhat are you gonna tie into the karma system?
16:58:29iLLf8dyour tank gonna experience breakdowns or something?
16:58:32captain_protonserver joins
16:58:48iLLf8doh I don't like that idea
16:58:51captain_protonplayers can adjust others' karma by 1 (player++/--)
16:58:55iLLf8dI switch teams constantly to load ballance
16:59:00captain_protonand server ops can set the minimum karma
16:59:13iLLf8dthen its a popularity contest too
16:59:18captain_protonwell, somewhat
16:59:31iLLf8dI get alot of people mad at me cause i'm beating them
16:59:44iLLf8dand those are the ones i'm not shooting my mouth off at in private convos
16:59:45captain_protonyour influence on others' karma is proportional to your own karma
17:00:08captain_protonso the most respected players will have the most impact on the system
17:00:16iLLf8disn't there some way to build a few checks into the code
17:00:38Chestalillf8d: only some easy cheats can be detected automatically by other clients
17:00:40iLLf8dor are the clients all responsible for their own tanks?
17:00:43Chestalillf8d: increased sped etc.
17:00:50captain_protonall the clients are responsible for themselves
17:01:01iLLf8dthats a problem then
17:01:10captain_protonwe think the karma system will work pretty well
17:01:21captain_protonplayers with bad karma won't be able to join the best/fastest servers
17:01:35iLLf8dI dunno
17:01:45iLLf8dhas enough personality clashes heh
17:01:50captain_protonand players who cheat will (hopefully) be dropped down so low they won't be able to join *any* servers pretty quickly
17:02:13captain_protoniLLf8d: yeah, but the really good players, who are all nice, will have more impact on your karma than random loosers
17:02:38iLLf8dyeah at least with nickserv it'll be better
17:02:53Chestalwho says the good players are nice? :-)
17:03:01iLLf8dmost of them are actually
17:03:02captain_protonChestal: all the current good players are
17:03:07Chestalmost of themare, ok
17:03:08iLLf8dor at least not cheap
17:03:18Chestalsome are still in the process of maturing
17:03:21captain_protoneven my friend DemonMoose, who acts like an asshole, is really quite nice
17:03:31iLLf8dnever played him heh
17:03:49Chestalhmm, I guess I should post somethign about the planned ctf tournament / league
17:03:51captain_protonhe's new (about 2-3 months), but quite good already
17:03:54Chestalso peopel can discuss
17:03:57iLLf8doo when?
17:04:05Chestalnever saw DemonMoose either
17:04:08iLLf8dI was playing 2 shot ctf no jumping the  other day
17:04:10iLLf8dit rocked
17:04:15iLLf8dalot of work tho on the radar fingers
17:04:18captain_protonmaybe you guys just play on the wrong servers ;)
17:04:27Chestalduacti 5156 is setup this way
17:04:33Chestalit's very fun with good teams and no lag
17:04:34captain_protonducati 5156 is the bomb
17:04:43iLLf8dyeah it was fun
17:04:45Chestallag is a big problem with ctf though
17:04:51iLLf8dalot of work tho like I said heh
17:04:56Chestala lagged player can very easily grab the flag and bring it home
17:05:00captain_protonunfortunatly my lag at ducati is at least 150 :P
17:05:02iLLf8dmy hand got tired and that usually doesn't happen
17:05:22iLLf8dI'm constantly trying to give out tips too
17:05:24ChestalI'm thinking about patchign the server though no player with lag > thresh accoridng to lagstats can grab team flag
17:05:29iLLf8dalot of people don't know how to use weapons yet
17:05:35iLLf8die lock the gm's etc...
17:05:53Chestalnewsbies should press 'f'
17:06:06iLLf8dand alot of people accuse you of cheating if  you can wrap gms
17:06:13captain_protonwrap gms?
17:06:24iLLf8dfire off over or on the side of buildings
17:06:26ChestalNowadays I play withotu super flags most of the time
17:06:29iLLf8dand lock on late
17:06:32Chestalalthough I think I am actually better with flags
17:06:35iLLf8dso they wrap the object
17:06:46captain_protoni learned to do that after about a month =/
17:07:16iLLf8dI always give away as many tips as I can
17:07:35iLLf8di'd rather have kickass fast paced games and get creamed =)
17:07:52captain_protoniLLf8d: danworld is fast paced :)
17:08:21iLLf8dI see you fixed some of that wierd slowdown code
17:08:27iLLf8dwhen you have too much building coverage
17:08:50iLLf8dI used to have issues when say there was a platform almost the size of the field elevated
17:09:11iLLf8dand I jumped to my appoge and fired close to the floor of the platform
17:09:20iLLf8dmy framerates would drop from 45fps -> 8
17:09:36captain_protonhrm...i had nothing to do with that...
17:09:38iLLf8dthen at cvsup 1.7e4 it was fixed
17:09:40Chestalonly gets 45fps on an empty map
17:09:56iLLf8dempty may i'm good for about 140fps
17:09:59Chestalill: I don't think anything with the rendering code has changed for a long time
17:10:07captain_protongets about 200 on an empty map
17:10:12ChestalI've had people complaingign that 1.7e4 on windwos would do rendering errors
17:10:12captain_protonnever had it drop below 100
17:10:26Chestalmay it be the binary which is compiled/linkied to different libs or somethings?
17:10:27iLLf8dwhen paused it goes up tho
17:10:53iLLf8dI cvs my source since bzflag helped me fix the makefile
17:11:10captain_protonChestal: i don't *think* so...i compiled it on standard 2k
17:11:37iLLf8dmy gf hasn't tried flag in her xp yet
17:11:41iLLf8dwe installed it yesterday
17:12:00iLLf8di'm curious to see if her machine crashes and burns or what
17:13:57iLLf8dcaptain you may be able to reproduce the issue by
17:14:27iLLf8dor chestal I mean heh
17:14:43iLLf8dmake a field with a crisscross building that almost covers the whole field
17:14:49iLLf8die the corners are the only areas exposed
17:15:04iLLf8dlike say 10x10 patches of ground
17:15:12iLLf8dthen jump on the building and fire
17:15:21iLLf8di'll test it now forya
17:19:36ChestalI am using software rendering, with complex maps my client just crawls
17:26:28iLLf8dI'm having server issues for some reason
19:09:56captain_protoniLLf8d: what server issues?
19:45:06ZEUS_bzany here?
20:08:45ZEUS_bzknow what u mean
21:08:41Chestalhi ZEUS
21:08:46Chestalwhich ZEUS are you? :-)
21:09:09ChestalZEUS (H) or ZEUS aka FORTIFY or whatever
21:30:02ChestalZEUS: whcih Zeus are you?
21:30:59vogon_jeltzis back (gone 06:23:12)
21:32:17ZEUS_bzthe old one
21:32:29ZEUS_bzthe one changing to FORTITUDE
21:36:02ZEUS_bzwhen does the crowd get here for the discussions?
21:38:47Chestalprobsbly not too soon
21:39:13ChestalI guess if we want a significant numebr of peopel we would have to agree on a time
21:39:26ChestalI just thought it a good idea to promote this channel
21:39:35Chestalmaybe we'll get more regulars this way
21:40:04ZEUS_bzi need to get on a team
21:40:13ZEUS_bzthought this would be the best place
21:40:30ChestalValoche will do the registration process, I guess he's workign onit right now
21:40:40Chestalhe hoped he would find the time for it this week
21:41:08ChestalI don't know what team I will play in so far, let's see how it will work out
21:41:24ChestalI also guess that we will have at least 2 weeks between begin of registration and the first battles, maybe even more
21:41:43ZEUS_bzas long as you don't join forces with lupi and capn
21:42:23ChestalI thought about joinging lupi+tankmann for a German team :-)
21:42:29Chestaldon';t know if they will play though
21:43:01ChestalI would hope for a good team of medicore players. I guess a well-trained team does not necessarily need to pplayers
21:43:12Chestalif they can work well together and have good CTF tactics
21:43:38ZEUS_bzthat would be an unstoppable team
21:44:03ZEUS_bzall have good shot spread, good at richo and can hardly be killed
21:56:17ZEUS_bzgotta run for now, will chat later
23:03:44captain_protonhey MrApathyCream
23:05:58mlphello all
23:06:03hello, captain_proton
23:06:22mlp: wish i knew
23:06:22mlpibot: who is mlp
23:07:06mlpanybody know who is mlp ?
23:07:19mlpsomebody is using  my nick name :(
23:08:16mlpand he send his last private message in this #bzflag
23:09:42mlp_the_fake is nothing but an horn-beat puddle of uninspiring seagull puke.
23:09:42MrApathyCreamibot, insult mlp_the_fake
23:10:30mlpthanks and bye
23:10:40MrApathyCreamwonders which mlp is the fake
23:24:06captain_protonhi vogon_jeltz
23:28:40cromwell|taking_breakanyone awake?
23:28:53captain_protonvogon_jeltz: patching?
23:29:14cromwell|taking_breakI'm having trouble getting 1.7e4 server started and client joined.
23:29:33cromwell|taking_breakI start by typing bzflag -solo 5, then I start a server and attempt to join, but it gives me an error mesage.
23:29:47cromwell|taking_breakAre you familiar with this, or should I be more verbose?
23:30:19captain_protoni've never tried to do it that way
23:30:22cromwell|taking_breakCan you please help me figure out how I can get it to play a game?
23:30:25captain_protoni always start servers via the command line
23:30:47cromwell|taking_breakMay I have the commands please I'll give it a try.
23:30:59captain_protonjust read the documentation
23:34:55cromwell|taking_breakbzfs -pf -r -h -mp 20 -ms 2 -t +r -j +s 10 -sa -st 15 -sw 1 -ttl 255 -time 900
23:35:08captain_protonlooks reasonable
23:36:00cromwell|taking_breakConnection failed.  incompatible server version accept()
23:36:15captain_protonyou're on e4 you said?!
23:36:24cromwell|taking_breakI just installed it.
23:36:40captain_protonwhy not just play on a public server?
23:36:40vogon_jeltzdo you have any other versions installed?
23:36:46vogon_jeltzsay, 1.7d9?
23:36:46cromwell|taking_break/usr/games$ ./bzfs --help
23:36:46cromwell|taking_breakbad argument --help
23:36:47cromwell|taking_breakCopyright (c) 1993 - 2001 Tim Riker
23:36:47cromwell|taking_breakBZFlag server, version 1.7e4
23:36:59cromwell|taking_breaks$ bzflag --version
23:36:59cromwell|taking_breakBZFlag client, version 1.7e4
23:36:59cromwell|taking_break  protocol 1.7e
23:37:05captain_protonvogon_jeltz: you didn't answer me
23:37:09vogon_jeltzmay I remind you that ./bzfs and bzfs aren't the same?
23:37:13vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: not right now
23:37:14cromwell|taking_breakthey both appear to be the same, 1.7e4
23:37:41cromwell|taking_breakwhich -a bzfs reports that it only exists in /usr/games/
23:37:43vogon_jeltzwell, somehow, the client is connecting to an old server
23:37:59vogon_jeltzand that's incredibly odd :P
23:38:16cromwell|taking_break$ ps -Af | grep bzfs
23:38:19cromwell|taking_breakno servers are running now.
23:38:21cromwell|taking_breakI'll try again.
23:38:59cromwell|taking_breakWhen I attempt to start the server I receive an error message:
23:39:06cromwell|taking_break$ bzfs -pf -r -h -mp 20 -ms 2 -t +r -j +s 10 -sa -st 15 -sw 1 -ttl 255 -time 900
23:39:06cromwell|taking_breakopenMulticast: bind: Address already in use
23:39:16vogon_jeltznot a problem
23:41:24cromwell|taking_breakThat's odd, since I did a pkill bzfs right before.
23:41:25captain_protonwhat OS are you on?
23:41:25cromwell|taking_breakGNU Linux.  Linux 2.4.17, glibc 2.2.5
23:41:25cromwell|taking_breakI get the same error message regardless of whether I start it as root or a user.
23:42:06cromwell|taking_breakIs the error mesage:  openMulticast: bind: Address already in use

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.