irclog2html for bzflag on 2001.08.18

00:06:03BZFlagwhere would you track it?
00:07:43vogon_jeltzservers would report in from time to time with scores for each player that's passed through to either a local or global stats server
00:08:10vogon_jeltzsimilar to the ngWorldStats stuff that's available for UT, MW4, and Q3T
00:08:16vogon_jeltzbut much simpler
00:08:53vogon_jeltzit could also keep track of ratings and flags picked up by each player
00:09:06vogon_jeltz(ratings could be used for handicapping purposes)
00:11:23BZFlagthe servers already talk to the list server every now and then. probably just have to add more info to what they send.
00:11:40vogon_jeltzgood point
00:12:03vogon_jeltzbut we'd also have to make some sort of password authentication for each player
00:12:13vogon_jeltzso that their stats could be kept clean
00:12:38BZFlagI'm thinking about converting the inter-server chat and the client-> server chat into http format.
00:13:43vogon_jeltzI personally like the current scheme
00:13:49BZFlagThen perhaps add the security by having the list server issues ssl keys to the users and then they present them to the game server.
00:14:03vogon_jeltzdo you *really* need 128-bit security for a game?
00:14:46BZFlagno, the lowest bit rate should be fine. The same key would be used in the user's web browser to edit personal data etc.
00:15:26BZFlagthe point is that all these libraries exist and have GPLed, tested implementations.
00:15:44BZFlagwe know there are no blatant security holes.
00:15:45vogon_jeltzgood point, again :)
00:16:46BZFlagas the user base grows, we could presumable rewrite the list/stats/key server to be any kind of web database applet.
00:17:03BZFlagand the clients remain the same.
00:17:21BZFlagnow I'm NOT talking about using ssl for game play. ;-)
00:18:14vogon_jeltzthat would suck
00:18:48vogon_jeltzI would, though, like to see some sort of cheat-proofing
00:19:08vogon_jeltzproton and I talked about maybe using an MD5 hash and DES to encrypt packets
00:19:09BZFlagheh "secure gaming, even your system admin won't know" =)
00:19:25vogon_jeltzif the packet came in corrupt, the server would kick the player
00:19:59vogon_jeltzthe MD5 hash would be based on the compiled binary
00:20:04BZFlagI've got a never ending resource for that type of thing. ever heard of sub-space? The author is a good friend of mine.
00:20:14vogon_jeltznope, never heard of it
00:21:18BZFlag 200 people in the same game board. 4-5 game servers running on a single host.
00:21:52vogon_jeltzwow, nice
00:22:04BZFlaghe was talking to the MSN folk and they kept telling him they could speed up his network stack without knowing the nubers he gets now.
00:22:36BZFlaghe's like... "Ok, how many client connects to you get on your game servers" and they said
00:23:17BZFlagwe can get over 50 gamers on one 4 way pIII 650 Mhz!
00:23:32vogon_jeltzthat's sad
00:23:36BZFlaghe's like. hmmm... Ok, I get 200+ on my Pentium 200
00:23:57vogon_jeltzyou hear about the latest M$ news?
00:24:06BZFlagprobably not. what?
00:24:20vogon_jeltzthe appeals court refused to let them push back the date of the antitrust proceedings
00:24:44vogon_jeltzM$ wanted the proceedings pushed back so that they could release XP unhindered
00:27:38vogon_jeltzthe funny thing about that netstack thing is that you can get 50 players on a *UT* server with 130K/sec bandwidth and a decent bit of processor speed
00:27:38BZFlag /. won't let me login/change prefs. I always run in minimalistic mode, and it won't now. what's up with that?
00:27:55vogon_jeltzditched slashdot a long time ago
00:28:04BZFlagheh, not quite. his p200 was hosted in CA
00:28:23vogon_jeltzI'm talking about the MSN braggarts
00:28:47vogon_jeltzFS98 and the like can't be nearly as net- and processor-demanding as UT
00:29:47BZFlagI'm lost I though you meant Utah (where he and I live). UT? FS96?
00:30:07vogon_jeltzno, Unreal Tournament; Flight Simulator 98
00:30:21vogon_jeltzsees that BZ isn't much of a gamer
00:33:49BZFlagnope. I like building em more than playing em.
00:35:05vogon_jeltzme too
00:35:11vogon_jeltzI'm quite bad at UT
00:35:28vogon_jeltzranked 9,300-somethingth out of 10,900-something
00:36:02vogon_jeltzbut it's a fun game to make mods for
00:36:33vogon_jeltzpretty much everything, from bots to weapons to ammunition to the display, is coded in UnrealScript
00:36:47vogon_jeltzit's a restrictive subset-ish part of Java
00:37:09vogon_jeltzsame classing interface, same code syntax
00:37:44vogon_jeltzonly the core of the engine (system-level stuff and the UnrealScript interpreter) is actually coded in C++
00:38:57vogon_jeltzI plan to make a TC (total conversion) for an RPG that I play called Paranoia
00:39:05vogon_jeltzand possibly one for BZFlag :)
00:39:22vogon_jeltzboth of them OS, of course
00:43:51vogon_jeltzand with the Unreal engine's great particle/explosion support, a BZ mod'll look a lot cooler than the actual game ;)
00:44:03vogon_jeltzbut they won't be net-compatible
02:09:09captain_protonnice conversation you had there
02:10:31captain_protoni wonder if tim knows of any good matrix multiplication algorithms
04:56:20captain_protonwelcome back
04:56:49vogon_jeltzthx, it's great to be here :)
04:57:02captain_protoni just found something cool
04:57:10captain_protonyou can implement a complete particle system in a vertex program
04:57:44captain_protonwhich means when my game is done the people with gf3's will get rockin particle effects and everyone else can have them done in software
05:00:33captain_protonof course by then everybody will have a video card capable of vertex programs :P
05:22:02captain_protoncrashed :(
05:22:09vogon_jeltzwb, then
05:30:41captain_protonhey - want to write part of a 3d engine?
05:32:07vogon_jeltznot really, but I'll give it a shot :)
05:32:57captain_protoncare to write fast polygon-based collision detection routines?
05:33:12vogon_jeltzsure, what the hell... *rolls eyes*
18:10:57captain_protonhi tim
18:58:17que tal, captain_proton
18:58:38captain_proton: huh?
18:58:38captain_protonibot, nada mucho
18:58:55vogon_jeltzhi, proton, Tim, and ibot
19:00:08captain_protoni'm getting very frustrated...i can't find winograd's matrix multiplication algorithm anywhere
19:02:42captain_protonhmmm we need a topic
19:04:11vogon_jeltzthe problem is, all of my cool new ideas will have to wait until the 1.8 devel cycle startx
19:04:16vogon_jeltzstarts, even
19:04:29captain_protonwhat cool new ideas are those?
19:04:51vogon_jeltzstats and cheat-proofing, among other things
19:05:04captain_protonother things?
19:05:04vogon_jeltzI also want to do stuff with good flag win limits
19:05:31captain_protonhow about some real collision detection?
19:05:36vogon_jeltzI'd also like to work with you on that :)
19:05:40captain_protonor at least improved collision detection
19:05:50captain_protonso it collides with a box instead of a plane
19:05:59vogon_jeltzand we also need more shapes
19:06:07vogon_jeltzI'd like to see spheres, at least
19:06:21vogon_jeltzand (although I really doubt this) CSG...
19:06:27captain_protonthere's a collision detection nightmare for you... CSG
19:06:33vogon_jeltzhell yes... :(
19:06:40vogon_jeltzwhy not?
19:06:55captain_protonbecause CSG has to be rendered using ray casting
19:07:02vogon_jeltzoh, yeah... duh
19:07:23vogon_jeltzI'd like to see customizable textures, at least...
19:07:25captain_protonit would be cool though
19:09:05vogon_jeltzcustomizable textures could be done pretty quickly with you hacking on the object classes :)
19:10:02captain_protonthe protocol would need to be hacked some too
19:10:14vogon_jeltzthat's why we have to wait for 1.8
19:10:47vogon_jeltzif we just start now, we get into the thing that most people say is wrong with OS
19:10:58vogon_jeltzincompatible versions, all being managed by different people
19:12:00captain_protoni wonder if tim would let us start drafting up a new protocol definition
19:12:43vogon_jeltzhe talked last night about the possibility of switching to HTTP... bleh
19:12:52captain_protoninclude support for 4-byte world sizes, downloadable textures, etc
19:12:57captain_protonHTTP? it could work
19:12:59vogon_jeltzthat's gonna rule
19:13:17vogon_jeltzhacks on his copy of the protocol def
19:13:22captain_protonwe NEED to do the worlds in XML
19:13:25captain_protoni'm serious
19:13:42vogon_jeltzit makes it easier on you, right? :)
19:14:08vogon_jeltzplus, it's extensible...
19:14:25captain_proton<box size="10, 10, 10" rotation="45" position="0, 0, 0"><side id="1" texture="side.jpg"/></box>
19:14:40captain_protonoooh yeah
19:14:41vogon_jeltzooh, pretty
19:15:18vogon_jeltzI'd probably be the one put in charge of hacking the parser/tokenizer... :(
19:15:30vogon_jeltzbecause of my experience hacking the server to death
19:15:45vogon_jeltzwell, yeah, but I don't know libxml :/
19:15:53vogon_jeltzand isn't that a GNOME thing?
19:15:58captain_protonno - not xml world files, xml client-server comm!!!!!!!!!!!
19:16:21vogon_jeltzthat's even worse
19:16:49vogon_jeltzhow do we implement version checking if new versions use XML and old versions use the BZ protocol?
19:17:19vogon_jeltzit'd be easy enough to implement mode switching, but we want to keep backward compatibility
19:17:25vogon_jeltzat least somewhat
19:18:16captain_protonwell, switch on the first client request
19:18:22vogon_jeltzyeah, hrm
19:18:31vogon_jeltzI suppose I'd have to do that...
19:18:37captain_protonyou can even compress the xml stuff before you send it
19:18:47vogon_jeltzgood point :)
19:19:05vogon_jeltzI'd also like to add a progress meter to the connecting... message
19:19:12vogon_jeltzand some kind of local cache for maps
19:19:17captain_protonyes yes yes yes yes yes
19:19:41vogon_jeltzmaybe we could give each map an ID number based on its MD5 hash
19:20:09vogon_jeltzfirst message sends the hash over, client checks if it has the map, makes sure it's valid, and connection continues
19:20:27captain_protongood idea
19:20:31vogon_jeltzhrm... that kills two birds with one stone, too :)
19:20:37vogon_jeltzit cheat-proofs the cache
19:20:48captain_protonhmmm - if all this stuff happens the entire protocol will be different
19:20:56captain_protoncheat-proofs the cache???
19:21:17vogon_jeltzpeople could theoretically hack their cached copies of maps so that all the buildings were removed
19:21:27vogon_jeltzthus, they circumvent collision detection
19:21:45captain_protonhashes are good :)
19:21:59captain_protonGET BACK HERE TIM!!!!!!!!!!
19:22:03vogon_jeltzlet's use RC5 for encryption :)
19:22:16captain_protonencryption of what?
19:22:24vogon_jeltznetwork traffic
19:22:31vogon_jeltzthat'd really suck
19:23:33vogon_jeltzbut seriously, we could encrypt all client -> server network traffic with DES based upon the client binary
19:24:08vogon_jeltzon the server side, it'd try to decrypt each message with one of several keys (one for each platform/version)
19:24:29vogon_jeltzif it finds one that works, it jots the version info down in the socket descriptor
19:24:48vogon_jeltzif not, the client is kicked with a "don't cheat" message :)
19:25:22captain_protonbut then you'd have to have 'trusted builds'
19:25:30captain_protonlike what frank is doing with p2501
19:25:37captain_protonthere is a small portion that isn't open source
19:25:42captain_protonits got keys in it
19:25:51vogon_jeltzthe trusted builds would be all official binaries
19:26:14captain_protonwhat if i wanted to use my patched client??
19:26:17vogon_jeltzthe people who aren't devels have no reason to use CVS
19:26:31vogon_jeltzand we could include some sort of password authentication for people who are devels
19:26:42captain_protonoh god
19:26:57captain_protonlets build in retina analysis tools!
19:27:00vogon_jeltzyes, it sucks right now, but if we add stats tracking at the same time...
19:27:13vogon_jeltzwe could keep a registry of all BZ players in the world
19:27:19captain_proton*** WARNING: unofficial build detected. if you are a developer, please place your eye up to the scanner ***
19:27:19vogon_jeltzflag some of them as developers
19:27:34vogon_jeltzibot, captain_proton++
19:27:59vogon_jeltzwe can work it out later
19:28:18vogon_jeltzwe may have to add some sort of #define for a developer version
19:28:23vogon_jeltzbut that's not quite secure :)
19:29:03captain_protonno its not
19:29:18vogon_jeltzwe could always have some weird number #define...
19:29:31vogon_jeltzthat relies upon a long mathematical calculation
19:29:36captain_protonthat only developers know about?
19:29:52vogon_jeltzit's like developer hazing... :)
19:30:56captain_protonyou have to drink more tequila than the last developer to join, or we won't give you the number...
19:31:37vogon_jeltznow put your right hand on Tux, and repeat after me: "I shall not release the number of the sacred define to anyone, lest I be stoned to death with unresolved symbols." jokes are funnier when i don't get enough sleep
19:33:59vogon_jeltzso are mine
19:34:13captain_protonis downloading a new kernel
19:34:32vogon_jeltzcan't download a new kernel because 2.4.8-pre5+ don't support X 4.0.x DRI
19:34:41captain_protonooh!!!!!!! i'm goona be on an OC3 starting wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:34:47vogon_jeltzlucky :(
19:35:10captain_protoni need to go buy a patch cable & high-quality cdrw disks
19:35:13captain_protonand a cable lock
19:35:32captain_protonwhy don't you upgrade to X 4.1?
19:35:41vogon_jeltzbecause SLI only works with 4.0.2
19:35:54vogon_jeltz(the prerelease, frozen branch, no less)
19:36:17captain_protonme buying a lock is funny?
19:36:32vogon_jeltzno, it's just that you're really into planning this :)
19:37:24captain_protoni'm just worried about having a really expensive computer in a ground-level dorm room
19:38:01captain_protonits insured, but i'd still like a lock
19:38:04vogon_jeltzthat's why I'm planning to do my first 2-4 years of college within commuting range of my house
19:38:24captain_protonoh please don't
19:38:50captain_protonit'll be time to move on
19:39:04captain_protonplus you get high-speed internet access
19:39:12vogon_jeltzgeez; I'm not into college life
19:39:17vogon_jeltzloud parties aren't for me
19:39:25captain_protonme neither
19:39:37vogon_jeltzand neither is sharing a room with somebody
19:39:46captain_protonwhen they assign dorms they ask whether or not you are particularly studious
19:39:47vogon_jeltzI'll take my crappy slow modem, thanks :)
19:39:52captain_protonthey group the quit people together
19:40:04vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: they don't ask that up here
19:40:15vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: yep
19:40:23captain_protonyou're planning on going to the university of washington?
19:40:24vogon_jeltzcaptain_proton: they group you by major
19:40:29vogon_jeltzcaptain: yes
19:40:40vogon_jeltzat least for undergrad
19:41:06captain_protoni have a friend going there
19:41:48vogon_jeltzI think you told me that once before :)
19:41:53captain_protonheh...right now he's building a motion detection system by hacking a quickcam
19:42:07vogon_jeltzI want to do that :)
19:42:21captain_protonhe's rewriting the driver because it doesn't do what he wants
19:43:11captain_protonhe already has done a lot of stuff with sound processing
19:43:14captain_protonhe can remote control his computer via his ham radio
19:43:26captain_proton(he's a cool guy)
19:44:25vogon_jeltzponders the difficulty in setting up his computer to be controlled over the phone
19:45:58captain_protoni've thought about setting up an answering machine by hacking a winmodem
19:46:21vogon_jeltzgood idea... I may have to steal it :)
19:46:52captain_protonthen again i've thought about doing a lot of things
19:47:00captain_protonvoice authorization for local logins, etc
19:47:11captain_protoncuecat authorization for local logins :)
19:47:20vogon_jeltzsounds fun
19:47:51vogon_jeltzDNA authorization for local logins
19:48:15captain_protonoh well
19:48:20captain_protoni should go shopping :)
19:48:31BZFlag was last seen on #tuxscreen 1 hours, 38 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: grep -rIs "main *(" * [Sat Aug 18 19:10:14 2001]
19:48:31vogon_jeltzibot, seen BZFlag
19:48:55captain_protonthats an interesting message
19:49:01captain_proton grep -rIs "main *(" *
19:50:44vogon_jeltzdamn it... Chris Schoeneman chose possibly the crappiest way possible to insert player IDs
19:51:09vogon_jeltzhe jams them in the middle of messages in many cases
19:51:23captain_protoni'm telling you, we need an entirely new protocol
19:51:27captain_protonxml based
19:51:27vogon_jeltzgets out a set of protocol-killing gloves
19:51:47captain_protonis away: buying computer stuff
21:00:22captain_protoni'm back
21:00:55vogon_jeltzhas been tinkering with the protocol def
21:02:06captain_protonlets see what you've come up with
21:02:20vogon_jeltzdoesn't have DCC :/
21:02:26vogon_jeltzI'll e-mail it to you later
21:02:49captain_protongeez...come on...start xchat w/ a different user & dcc it
21:02:57vogon_jeltzI've still got some kinks to work out...
21:03:13captain_protoni'd like to see what you've got so i can tell you if it sucks or not
21:03:25vogon_jeltzI'm trying to figure out how we can make it secure *and* compatible
21:03:31captain_protonlets see!
21:03:42vogon_jeltzI'm not done yet
21:07:41captain_protoncome on...i can give you suggestions
21:08:15vogon_jeltznot yet
21:08:40vogon_jeltzif I'm still stuck tonight, I'll DCC you what I have so far
21:10:21captain_protonif you wont send it, tell me what you have done
21:10:58vogon_jeltzI've started working on setting up the message structure to allow for an MD5 summing
21:11:44vogon_jeltzI'm also seeing how much I'll have to change for 4-byte world sizes
21:12:17captain_protoni still think http/xml is the way to'll allow extensibility
21:12:35vogon_jeltzyeah, but that's something to aim for in BZFlag 2.0
21:12:48captain_proton2.0 is years away :(
21:13:07captain_protonif we're changing the protocol, why not change it to the best option?
21:13:13vogon_jeltznot if *TIM* will allow us to start working on *ONE POINT EIGHT*
21:13:42vogon_jeltzbecause if we do this, it'll be months before all the network mods are caught up
21:14:16BZFlag was last seen on #tuxscreen 3 hours, 4 minutes and 2 seconds ago, saying: grep -rIs "main *(" * [Sat Aug 18 19:10:14 2001]
21:14:16vogon_jeltzibot, seen BZFlag
21:14:57captain_protonnetwork mods?
21:15:34vogon_jeltzthe mods that involve networking changes, but aren't merged into the CVS yet
21:16:40captain_protonwell i was thinking that this could happen *after* the next release (*TIM*)
21:17:10vogon_jeltzoh, OK
21:17:38captain_protonand if we do it this way, not only do we have world caching, but we don't run into the world size problems
21:17:48vogon_jeltzgood point :)
21:18:09vogon_jeltzthinks we should bother BZFlag into letting us start on 1.8
21:18:22captain_protonContent-length: n bytes
21:18:36vogon_jeltzwe need to merge at least my flag-on-building patch and our custom CTF patches
21:19:19vogon_jeltzbecause those make the game a lot more fun
21:19:50captain_protoni'm thinking once the next release comes out, i'll hack my cvs stuff to put logos on the bases
21:20:03vogon_jeltzand I think we need to add a good flag win limit
21:20:05vogon_jeltzat least for GM
21:20:31vogon_jeltzGM campers really bug pretty much everyone
21:20:51vogon_jeltzespecially habitual GM campers like Kulma
21:22:20vogon_jeltzthinks he better start working on converting network traffic to XML
21:23:53vogon_jeltzI'd also like to implement all the flags that were never implemented originally
21:24:04vogon_jeltzlike kamikaze, magnet, and a few more
21:24:15vogon_jeltzyou draw shots toward you
21:24:41vogon_jeltzbut not laser
21:24:56vogon_jeltzthat wasn't in the original code, I don't think
21:25:15captain_protonself destruct
21:25:18captain_protonbind it to caps lock
21:25:39vogon_jeltzhere... Magnet, Kamikaze, Heat Seeker, Death, Possession, and Thief
21:25:48vogon_jeltzthose are the 6 flags that weren't implemented
21:26:06vogon_jeltzyou control another tank
21:26:14captain_protonhmmmm ;)
21:27:08vogon_jeltzwait, there are some more
21:27:26vogon_jeltzSuicide, ECM, Interdimensional Teleport, Smart Bomb, and Turbo Boost
21:27:41vogon_jeltzSuicide = high speed, fast shots, die when you kill someone
21:27:43captain_protoninterdimensional teleport?!?
21:27:57vogon_jeltzwhen you drop, it teleports you to a random teleporter
21:32:35captain_protoni just found out who keeps killing bzfs on my server
21:32:53captain_protonone of the pissy admins
21:33:14captain_protoni sent him a nasty email about how its the summer and its not bothering anybody
21:33:19captain_protonhe set up a fscking cron job
21:34:00captain_protoncare to play a little bz?
21:34:20captain_protonmy server?
21:34:43captain_protonballpark? right now i've got twintowers up
21:35:01vogon_jeltzI gotta restart X
21:35:11vogon_jeltzdamn texture corruption hits every once in a while
22:05:16captain_protonhad enough?
22:09:40captain_protonhas finished downloading 2.4.9
22:27:00BZFlag was last seen on #tuxscreen 4 hours, 16 minutes and 46 seconds ago, saying: grep -rIs "main *(" * [Sat Aug 18 19:10:14 2001]
22:27:00captain_protonibot, seen BZFlag?
23:09:07captain_protongot my modem working with a new kernel :()

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