IRC log for #brlcad on 20130819

03:25.39brlcadstarseeker: color wasn't a mistake, that was the point .. that it could be cmyk or rgb or hsv or some other color space color definition
03:46.46starseekerbrlcad: but programatically, particularly for backwards compatibility, it's been a real pain
03:52.57starseekerin particular, if I remember correctly, if we don't write out the rgb attribute we break older BRL-CAD releases' support for color
05:08.20*** join/#brlcad brlcad (
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08:04.12Notify03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56942 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: Add basic support of connectivity graph. And build connectivity graphs for the original structure.
08:17.20Notify03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56943 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: Error handling.
08:22.21Notify03BRL-CAD:iiizzzaaakkk * 56944 brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/tests/bn_poly_synthetic_div.c: Corrected spelling of polynomial in bn_poly_synthetic_div.c
08:39.40Notify03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56945 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: Fix two tiny bugs in build_connectivity_graph(), and print the graph if the debug flag is set.
08:44.07Notify03BRL-CAD:phoenixyjll * 56946 brlcad/trunk/src/libbrep/boolean.cpp: Remove trailing ws.
09:05.03Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Phoenix * 6001 /wiki/User:Phoenix/GSoc2013/Reports: /* Week 9 */
09:43.23Notify03BRL-CAD:iiizzzaaakkk * 56947 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/hrt/hrt.c: rt_hrt_free() and rt_hrt_params() functions
10:05.10Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 6002 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* August 19th to August 24th */
10:51.22Izak_screen -d 1218
10:52.29Ch3ckstarseeker: I've fixed tickets 226 as Sean requested, I've fixed the changes with the previous patches and uploaded to 231. Would all patches to be reviewed and closed.;)
11:20.40Notify03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 56948 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_misc.c: style
11:38.53Notify03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 56949 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_rt_isect.c: style
11:49.00Notify03BRL-CAD:tbrowder2 * 56950 (brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/dsp/dsp.c brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_misc.c brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_rt_isect.c): added FIXME where gcc 4.8.1 reports error upon release build
11:52.07*** join/#brlcad mpictor_ (~mpictor_@2600:1015:b102:6fca:0:12:8531:5301)
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14:13.34brlcadand as I send the e-mail, sagonet comes back to life
14:14.01brlcadejno: try compiling with all enabled (see INSTALL)
14:14.11brlcadso that it doesn't try to use the system tcl/tk
14:14.58brlcador feel free to fix that 8.6 build error ;)
14:16.06ejnobrlcad: I got disconnected - I think I missed part of your response
14:16.53ejnook, I will try if I have time
14:17.40brlcadejno: I explained in an e-mail, the server's ISP had a brief outage
14:18.26brlcaddon't worry about the error .. it's a bug in tcl 8.6's header
14:19.01brlcadif you build with bundled libs enabled, that error will go away
14:23.49*** join/#brlcad luca79 (~luca@
14:34.03brlcadhello luca79
14:42.21brlcad``Erik: notify, she dead
14:44.40ejnobrlcad: do you know where the OpenCL libraries are?
15:06.20*** join/#brlcad Notify (
15:06.42Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56951 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ON_Brep.cpp: use our considerably more precise DEG2RAD constant, no explanation needed. need common.h before system headers.
15:06.46Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56952 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ON_Brep.cpp: ws and comma cleanup
15:06.48Notify03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 56953 (brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/tests/bn_poly_synthetic_div.c brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/hrt/hrt.c): fix spellings, remove trailing blanks/tabs
15:06.50Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56954 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ON_Brep.cpp: inject some visual cues to help my own understanding
15:06.53Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56955 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ON_Brep.cpp: fit comments for external readers
15:20.01brlcadejno: they should be in /usr/local
15:20.18Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56956 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/dbupgrade.c brlcad/trunk/src/conv/enf-g.c and 5 others): ws
15:21.04brlcadyeah, /usr/local/include/CL
15:21.13``Erik will kick the next time the bot thread restarts (after I push '0' in slime when it pings out or when I restart the vm), hopefully that'll address the bot "mia after disconnect" issue
15:23.00ejnobrlcad: I mean the binaries
15:23.23brlcadejno: good question, I see the port only installed the headers
15:23.43hickoryknollbrlcad: why does "gcc -c -I ../../include/ gcode.c" give me "fatal error: tcl.h: no such file or directory"
15:23.56hickoryknollhaving trouble remembering all of our previous lesson
15:24.12brlcadejno: found a cpu driver... looking for non-cpu driver
15:24.24ejnobrlcad: ok, thank you
15:28.54brlcadejno: installed the cpu version -lOpenCL, but will keep looking
15:29.05brlcadlet me know what devices it says are available
15:29.21brlcadhickoryknoll: because tcl.h is not in ../../include
15:30.05brlcadif you're going to compile real library-using code by hand, not just simple proc-db stuff, you'll need to specify a couple paths
15:30.41brlcador find all the places it exists:  find ../.. -name tcl.h
15:32.06hickoryknollokay thanks
16:02.49ejnobrlcad: OpenCL isn't linking with the c++ library: /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init() const@GLIBCXX_3.4.11'
16:05.38ejnooh, maybe I need to tell cmake to link with the c++ library
16:12.08hickoryknollbrlcad: and why does this half not work either? "~/Applications/brlcad/src/rt$ gcc -L ../../build/lib/ -lrt -lbu -lwdb gcode.o" it seems to recognize none of the brlcad functions
16:16.44ejnobrlcad: this is failing too: g++ test.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -lOpenCL
16:20.53brlcadejno: yeah, sounds like it -- try adding -lstdc++ to the link line
16:21.15brlcad(probably can add ";stdc++" to the list of libs needing linking)
16:21.29brlcadhickoryknoll: ordering matters
16:22.17brlcadsymbols are resolved in the order they are described, so you want gcode.o first (since nearly everything is referenced), and then include the libs to resolve those references
16:22.45hickoryknollthat makes sense now
16:22.54brlcadejno: where's your test?
16:23.13ejnobrlcad: this fails too: g++ test.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -lOpenCL -lstdc++
16:23.29ejnobrlcad: ~/t
16:23.52brlcadyeah, you don't need -lstdc++ with g++
16:25.47ejnois it an incompatible libstdc++?
16:37.28hickoryknollbrlcad: it worked, than stopped working and gave me this "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" I don't think any code changes could account for it. What happened?
16:46.46brlcadejno: possibly, but that doesn't make much sense
16:46.53brlcadlibOpenCL was just compiled
16:47.26brlcadhickoryknoll: that's a runtime library error
16:47.51brlcadwhen a program is run, the libraries are located and loaded
16:48.07brlcadit's saying it cannot find the librt library that you specified (via -lrt)
16:48.39brlcadyou can tell it where to find the library at runtime in addition to compile time with the -rpath=/runtime/path linker option
16:49.26brlcadif you use BRL-CAD's cmake build system, this is all should be done for you automatically just by telling it what files to compile
16:50.19hickoryknollI'll try that now. Although I had issues when trying to do that before
16:51.16brlcadgood time to sort them out ;)
16:51.18brlcadI presume you have a fresh checkout?
16:51.30brlcadwhat kind of checkout is it?
16:51.33brlcadsvn info .
16:51.38brlcadwhat's the url?
16:52.18brlcadokay cool
16:52.32brlcadso first step is to put your source file into the src/proc-db dir
16:52.46hickoryknollreally? not conv?
16:53.00brlcadright, sorry
16:53.38hickoryknollokay. it actually has been in rt
16:54.49brlcadin face, probably easiest to follow the examples of the subdir converters, create a src/conv/gcode
16:55.23brlcadput your file in there, then you'll need to 1) update src/conv/CMakeLists.txt and 2) add your own src/conv/gcode/CMakeLists.txt
16:56.13hickoryknollif I just put it in conv, all I need to do is add an BRLCAD_ADDEXEC" to the Cmake file right?
16:56.35brlcadeven if you put it in a subdir, that's almost all you need to do
16:57.07hickoryknollBut what's the point if I only have one file?
16:57.08brlcadI see this exporter really expanding, so a subdir will probably make the most long-term sense
16:57.21brlcaddifferent ways to fill the interior, for example
16:57.41brlcadcould be hundreds of lines of code to write out a honeycomb pattern .. that'd be best separated from the main app logic
16:57.46hickoryknollyeah. It definitely has the potential to get huge
16:57.47brlcadalong with the dozen other ways
17:02.40Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56957 brlcad/trunk/regress/ previous common.h check only tested to make sure common.h came first in the file if it's included at all. new check also makes sure that common.h is included if there are any system headers included first since common.h should come first. currently disabled since there are several files that need to be fixed.
17:08.09brlcadejno: the error is not your fault .. looks like something wonky with the gcc 4.6 that was recently installed (``Erik)
17:08.13brlcadg++ test.cpp -L/usr/local/lib/gcc46 -L/usr/local/lib -lOpenCL -rpath=/usr/local/lib/gcc46
17:08.18brlcadthat works
17:09.36ejnobrlcad: ok, thanks
17:09.56brlcadah, it's a path problem.. "gcc" and "g++" are still 4.2.1 so it couldn't find the libs that compiled libOpenCL
17:10.28brlcadif you had used gcc46 it would have worked
17:12.31brlcadhickoryknoll: lemme know when you get the cmakefile stuff set up and I can look it over
17:15.51hickoryknollFile Edit Options Buffers Tools Help                                            
17:15.51hickoryknollset(ggcode_SRCS g-gcode.c )
17:15.51hickoryknollBRLCAD_ADDEXEC(g-gcode "${ggcode_SRCS}" "libwdb;librt;libbu" NOSTRICT)
17:15.53hickoryknoll# Local Variables:                                                              
17:16.49brlcadlooks good on the surface -- does it work?
17:17.49brlcadlooks like the raw format is the closest example
17:19.03*** join/#brlcad hickoryknoll (
17:20.04brlcadnot using screen?
17:20.27hickoryknollam using screen, did something odd in screen
17:21.35brlcadyou learned how to create new contexts?
17:21.44hickoryknollnew contexts?
17:21.49brlcadctrl-a c
17:22.10brlcadctrl-a n and ctrl-a p to go to the next/previous
17:22.14hickoryknollalready knew that, did something else.
17:22.30hickoryknollI think I just ended the context that was running irc
17:22.46brlcadah, fun :)
17:22.54brlcadctrl-a k will do that ;)
17:23.03*** join/#brlcad ralph (408663e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:23.07brlcadhi ralph
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17:23.17brlcadby ralph
17:23.29hickoryknollprobably that
17:24.01hickoryknolldid you see the CMake thingy
17:25.05brlcadyou mean the pasting?
17:25.18brlcadI'd replied with this:
17:25.18brlcad13:16 < brlcad> looks good on the surface -- does it work?
17:25.18brlcad13:17 < brlcad> looks like the raw format is the closest example
17:25.45hickoryknollgetting to the does it work. And that is the one I used as a template
17:26.10brlcadforgot that most of them don't even bother with a sub-CMakeLists.txt file
17:26.22brlcadbut it's still fine to have
17:26.37brlcadmore modular
17:27.12hickoryknollI just run cmake now in a new build directory?
17:29.16*** join/#brlcad ejno (~ejno@unaffiliated/kazaik)
17:34.07``Erikponders some process russian roulette to see if any irc sessions go... ps ax | awk '{print $1}' | rand | head -n 1 | xargs sudo kill -9
17:34.42``Erikwatches himself get removed from wheel :D *duck*
17:35.51starseekerbrlcad: I'm probably going to be breaking ON_Brep.cpp up into separate files along the line of the importer, which should help comprehensibility
17:36.22starseekerthe "context" stuff is almost certainly per-step-file for us, not per-brep
17:37.14starseekerso that'll be it's on bit
17:37.42starseekerthen I'll need per-primitive logic as well
17:38.56brlcadhickoryknoll: yes, just build like you normally would -- if you run "cmake ...." first, you'll be able to just specify "make g-gcode"
17:39.17brlcadbut since you added new cmake logic, you need to run cmake at least once
17:40.32brlcadstarseeker: would it make sense to put them in separate dirs or can they substantially share code?
17:41.06brlcador better put, could they be separated into separate dirs without duplicating any files or having cmake logic reference the other dir
17:56.41hickoryknollit couldn't find common.h.
17:56.51hickoryknollWhat do I need to include for it to find it?
17:58.54ejnothere are no GPU devices detected, and the CPU implementation doesn't support double-precision
17:59.30starseekerbrlcad: you mean the importer and exporter?
18:00.33starseekernot really sure yet - still too early in the game
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18:29.54brlcadhickoryknoll: it's in the top level include/
18:30.13brlcadand what couldn't find it -- your cmake changes?
18:30.56brlcadhickoryknoll: note the include_directories() line in the raw CMakelists.txt file example
18:33.40Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56958 brlcad/trunk/regress/ stub in initial support for exempting files that intentionally should not be including common.h
18:34.22Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56959 brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/slave/tienet_slave.c: missing common.h
18:34.24hickoryknollbrlcad: where does it specify include/ ?
18:37.53Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56960 (brlcad/trunk/src/external/Unigraphics/log.h brlcad/trunk/src/external/Unigraphics/ug_misc.c): stdlib.h instead of malloc.h and include common.h
18:38.57*** join/#brlcad vladbogo (~vladbogo@
18:40.30Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56961 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/brlcad_brep.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/BSplineSurface.h and 6 others): common.h should be included before any system headers
18:42.42Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56962 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/CartesianPoint.h brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/STEPEntity.h): Point.h is not a system header; remove unnecessary doxycomment
18:46.31*** join/#brlcad kesha_ (~kesha@
18:47.35Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56963 brlcad/trunk/regress/ apparently just two more to exempt from needing common.h
18:49.19brlcadhickoryknoll: that is probably embedded via BU_INCLUDE_DIRS (or either of the other two)
18:49.30hickoryknollyeah I found it
18:51.02Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56964 (brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/mkbuilding.c brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/mkbuilding.h): headers should be self-contained. include common.h before the system headers, then the main file doesn't need to know it needed to do that.
18:51.43Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56965 (brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/constantpool.h brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/liboslrend.h and 5 others): must include common.h before all system headers for portability.
18:52.43ejnobrlcad: I think this is a problem with FreeOCL:
18:56.06Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56966 brlcad/trunk/src/libged/simulate/simutils.h: include common.h
18:58.37Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56967 brlcad/trunk/regress/ all files now passing the expanded common.h header checks, so turn error-matching on
19:03.22whyessehow would you go about modelling something like this with brl-cad?
19:03.56brlcadejno: indeed, try again now
19:04.23whyessesort of a rotating extrusion?
19:05.06brlcadwhyesse: yeah, that's a tricky one
19:06.10brlcada generalized sweep operation would normally do it (which we don't implement), though the notion of extruding with a twist parameter is interesting
19:06.28whyesseI was hoping maybe there's a different way of doing it
19:06.53brlcadthere are, depending on what you need specifically
19:07.21whyesseI saw it used for this:
19:07.39ejnobrlcad: thank you. There are new errors:
19:07.45whyesseI think to make herringbone gear teeth
19:08.43brlcadwhyesse: here's one method used for things like threading on bolts:
19:10.41brlcadwhyesse: that's really cool (the gear)
19:11.47brlcadI'm pretty sure that shape is possible...
19:13.01brlcadthose are basically cylinders with grooves cut out
19:14.10brlcadhm, wonder if 90 degree sections of a torus rotated up the column would do the trick?
19:15.02brlcadhickoryknoll: now that looks like something fun and practical to print, I think that just might be a good g-gcode test case if I can model something up quick :)
19:20.01Notify03BRL-CAD:n_reed * 56968 (brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/OpenNurbsInterfaces.cpp brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/STEPWrapper.cpp and 4 others): address some step-g related leaks identified by valgrind
19:22.04whyessebrlcad: how difficult would adding a twist feature be?
19:23.20whyessebrlcad: assuming I'm ok with code but completely new to brl-cad
19:24.05brlcadwhyesse: conceptually, not that hard ... mathematically, not sure
19:25.20brlcadwhyesse: hm, it might be crazy easy even mathematically the more I think about it
19:26.47brlcadif you want to give it a try: src/librt/primitives/extrude/ is where extrusions are defined
19:26.57brlcadpretty much all right there in extrude.c
19:28.26brlcadeach object type (like extrude) is defined by a set of callback functions .. the critical ones affected by adding twist are going to be rt_extrude_shot(), rt_extrude_plot(), and rt_extrude_tess() so that it renders, shows wireframe, and can be converted to polygons correctly
19:30.30whyessecan primitives be defined externally?
19:31.01brlcadwhat do you mean?
19:31.40whyesseby an application using librt, or are they always compiled in
19:32.27brlcadyou can always define your own procedural geometry (and we provide several examples of this), but those are built on top of the fundamental primitives
19:32.40brlcadthey're the basic building blocks understood throughout the system
19:33.00brlcadso the answer is probably "no"
19:33.29whyesseneeds to try compiling brl-cad, then. which would probably be a good idea anyway
19:34.22brlcadah, yeah :)
19:34.28infobotTo obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
19:36.57brlcadI've considered implementing a fully generalized primitive that is defined by some parametric equation, but that wouldn't even help you with this kind of problem
19:37.43brlcadmaybe some primitive defined by a scripting language definition (or opencl)
19:38.12brlcadotherwise, the only means might be to make each primitive self-register at run-time as plugins and you could define your own new primitive as a (compiled) plug in
19:38.32brlcadwhyesse: what were you hoping for?
19:39.14whyessemaking a copy of the extrude, and then modifying that
19:39.20brlcadn_reed: why #if !defined(__WIN32__) ?
19:39.59whyessewould probably be easier for me to compile just that
19:40.16brlcadwhyesse: intriguing notion, would language matter?
19:40.27n_reedbecause that's the test a few lines before that causes the memory to be allocated
19:41.07brlcadthere's generally so much work involved in implementing a new primitive that it's never been an issue ..
19:42.03brlcadand we wouldn't want to end up with multiple extrusion methods, it'd probably end up an extension of the existing
19:42.16brlcadn_reed: ah, humph
19:45.51*** join/#brlcad whyesse (~quassel@
19:49.09n_reediirc that's typical of stepcode. instead of using wrapper macros/functions, windows/non-windows code is just mixed together w/ conditionals
19:49.18n_reedi'm not about to fix all of them
19:52.59Notify03BRL-CAD:brlcad * 56969 brlcad/trunk/src/mged/chgview.c: the message is wrong, can only scale uniformly
19:59.51whyesseI'm trying to generate brl-cad databases from python, wrapping functions in the C api with cython. should I be just generating mged commands?
20:03.52Notify03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 56970 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/g-nff.c: remove a pair of braces, and also remove duplicate output going to stderr -- do you understand the latter change?
20:07.28brlcadwhyesse: it depends how much functionality you'd like to have access to, but wrapping mged commands will give you the most high-level syntax to work with
20:08.10brlcadwhyesse: wrapping src/libged will get you 95% of mged's command functionality in C API form
20:08.58brlcadwrapping mged obviously gets you 100% but then has a little bit of processor invocation overhead
20:09.38brlcadI presume you've seen the shell and perl examples:
20:09.54brlcadah, check out SGI_Cube and Spiral
20:10.33whyesseI saw someone output mged from python somewhere
20:11.19brlcadthe latter is particularly relevant to that gear, but some modifications would be needed to create geometry at the same density as you spiral outward/upward
20:18.14brlcadejno: yeah, so FreeOCL sucks...
20:19.02brlcadthere are some changes I could try, but need to be able to test your compile .. where is your build dir or how can I otherwise reproduce that error?
20:19.36Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 6003 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* August 19th to August 24th */
20:19.40brlcadit's all simple stuff until the nested-name-identifier error
20:21.47ejnobrlcad: cd /home/ejno/brlcad-opencl/build; make -j8 rt && ./bin/rt -Ftest.pix sflake.g depth0.r depth1.r depth2.r depth3.r
20:22.27ejnoalso, I can try setting up OpenCL on my laptop if you want
20:23.28brlcadejno: what OS are you running there?
20:24.06ejnoArch Linux. I have it mostly working but the rt window and output pix are entirely black currently, not sure why
20:24.26brlcadis the regular rt window also black?
20:25.06ejnoI was going to try that but haven't yet
20:25.11brlcadtry -F/dev/Xl
20:25.22brlcadthat should rule out ogl
20:25.47ejnook, I
20:26.28brlcadnote that you can run rt -otest.pix -F/dev/Xl to both write to file and display a window if you need that
20:27.15ejnook, I'll be able to do that in about 10 minutes
20:27.20*** join/#brlcad mpictor (~mark@2601:d:b280:b5:d63d:7eff:fe2d:2505)
20:29.04Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:NyahCh3ck20 * 6004 /wiki/User:NyahCh3ck20/GSoc2013/Coding_Repor: /* 19 August - 25 August */
20:34.26Notify03BRL-CAD:vladbogo * 56971 (brlcad/trunk/src/mged/attach.c brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/openw.tcl): Added the Qt display manager as a option to the Modes>Display Manager in mged's menu.
20:37.39brlcadheh, nicely done ... crashing gdb
20:43.09Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 6005 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs: /* Week 9 */
20:43.32Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:IIIzzzaaakkk * 6006 /wiki/User:Izak/GSOC_2013_logs: /* August 12th to August 17th */
20:44.15Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 0 /wiki/File:Mged1.png:
20:45.28Notify03BRL-CAD Wiki:Vladbogolin * 6008 /wiki/User:Vladbogolin/GSoC2013/Logs: /* Week 10 */
20:52.30mpictoranyone on here familiar with setlocale()? the man page makes it sound like it always defaults to "C" on Linux, but I haven't found anything about its behavior on windows
20:53.46mpictorI need to force exppp (in stepcode) to always print numbers with the formatting specified in 10303-11
21:01.10starseekerhmm - we just had a problem like that crop up
21:03.10brlcadQt was setting the users locale causing some of our hard-coded constant values (e.g., 3.0 vs 3,0) to fail
21:04.14brlcadmpictor: C is the default locale
21:04.32mpictorheh I actually found mention of qt doing that when I was googling
21:04.36brlcadbut application codes can set whatever they like too
21:04.50mpictorbrlcad: is it the default on all systems in all countries?
21:05.00brlcadit's a default for posix C, yes
21:05.12brlcadit's a global libc state
21:05.15mpictorwhat about windows and osx?
21:06.04brlcadlanguage-wise, it's that way everywhere something claims to be posix compliant
21:06.24brlcadit's defined by stdc, so it's that way everywhere as far as I know, but ... application code can just as well set it to something else
21:06.37brlcadand even default application frameworks can (and some do) set something else
21:07.10brlcadwe ran into with a Qt application, Qt itself set the locale to something else just by using Qt
21:07.30brlcadand MFC or OSX framework could just as well do the same thing
21:08.02mpictorthis is in exppp, so qt/mfc/etc shouldn't affect it
21:08.32mpictorunless someone writes a gui that uses exppp...
21:08.35brlcadso you either rely on the calling application to set the locale() back to C before calling into sdai/stepcode or you forcibly set/reset it *everywhere* you possibly call a std C function that reads/writes numbers
21:08.44brlcadread, write, scanf, printf, .... all of them
21:09.07brlcadright, that's my point -- you don't know or have control of the calling application
21:09.47brlcadand stepcode is pretty much useless without embedding it into an app  ;)
21:09.59mpictoroh, I was thinking I could do it once and not worry again. guess I could just check if it isn't C and exit with an error...
21:10.26brlcadso you either document the expectation/requirement, or hope some init() function is sufficient to setlocale("C"), or forcibly set it everywhere it might be needed
21:10.40brlcadyou don't need to exit
21:10.55brlcadyou can get the current locale, set C, and return to caller locale just fine
21:11.34brlcador just set it and forget it but then that's not much different than just documenting the assumption of C
21:12.29mpictorIf I set C each time, I need to modify every function that could use printf/scanf/etc with a number
21:13.26mpictor*every function that is accessible from outside the library
21:23.01Notify03BRL-CAD:iiizzzaaakkk * 56972 brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/hrt/hrt.c: Fixing spelling
21:29.55brlcadhalf-punting sounds like a good balance
21:30.17brlcadif there's an init-location where almost certainly any call will be going through, set the locale to C
21:30.25brlcadthen put it in the docs
21:51.31Notify03BRL-CAD:carlmoore * 56973 brlcad/trunk/src/conv/nmg/g-nmg.c: remove 2 sets of braces, remove : from P in opt string, and implement h?
22:01.53Notify03BRL-CAD:ejno * 56974 (brlcad/branches/opencl/src/librt/primitives/sph/sph.c brlcad/branches/opencl/src/librt/primitives/sph/ check for double-precision support; start of hypersampling; other changes
22:06.02*** join/#brlcad whyesse (~quassel@
23:38.47brlcadejno: any luck confirming double-precision support?
23:39.25brlcadshould make the code print either a compile-time or run-time notice whether single or double precision is being used so we can make sure comparisons take into consideration

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